S01E02 - Home

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Hey, Hello everyone, my dear readers! 😘 How was your day? Was it good? If not, you are free to express what happened in your day😁

Sorry if this chapter sounds cringe-worthy or unpleasant, but I'm trying to improve and try new things like shortening chapters or lengthening them. Or trying new words! Because I'm very minimal and struggling with English vocabulary.

Anyway, I'm really sorry if this chapter seems boring or clichéd. And as crazy as I may seem, it's both impressive and depressing in my opinion.

Sorry if it took a while or something, my hand got stuck in the window and needed major help 😅 anyway, enjoy this chapter! (and no art for today! Sorry!)

~~~ Your POV

               Yesterday was a crazy day, what kind of old man would put their own student in a cramped place full of snakes? Apparently, someone in charge who is supposed to be your teacher was crazy enough to do just that. And that's a crazy thing, you crazy grandpa! I almost fucking died!

It felt so unfair that I was always stuck with solo missions. While my fellow ninja got to team up and bond, I was left feeling isolated and unimportant. The idea of becoming the legendary Fuchsia Ninja sounded like a load of nonsense to me. I didn't feel special or significant like the others. Instead, I felt like an outsider with my stand-out color and the troublesome 'surprise' power that I couldn't quite grasp.

I glanced at the digital clock on the monastery wall, which read 5 am. After a long shower to wash away the dirt and snake venom, I felt a lingering itchiness from the snake bites. My body was now wrapped in white bandages to treat the wounds. The snake bite marks weren't a pretty sight, and I hoped they would fade quickly so I wouldn't need these bandages anymore. Frankly, I wasn't in the mood for any missions right now.

I felt itchy where I was bitten by the snake, my body was wrapped in white bandages. The snake bite marks on my body don't look pretty or remarkable. I can only hope that bites like this will disappear quickly until I don't need to use bandages anymore. I'm just not in the mood for missions at the moment.

As I sat there, my mind wandered, replaying the events of yesterday. Sensei Wu's training methods were unconventional, to say the least. But maybe, just maybe, there was a hidden purpose behind it all. Perhaps he saw potential in me that I didn't yet recognize, and he was pushing me to discover it. Or maybe he was just plain crazy. Whatever the case, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to my journey as the Fuchsia Ninja than I could currently comprehend-

Why am I monologing right now? It's not like I am the main character, I just think its fun. Wait, why did I stop monologing- Okay, moving on.

I tightened my belt, ready for the day's mission as I stepped out of my room. The corridor leading to Sensei Wu's room was dimly lit, and I noticed he was still asleep and snoring loudly. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sight.

Summoning up some patience, I approached Sensei Wu's sleeping form and gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. "Sensei Wu, what is my mission for today?" I asked, trying my best to sound polite despite the annoyance bubbling inside me. I mean, who wouldn't be annoyed by his antics?

As I waited for him to wake up, conflicting thoughts swirled in my mind. Sensei Wu could be both kind and infuriating, leaving me unsure about how I truly felt about him. Sometimes, he'd show a softer side, but then he'd pull stunts like this that made me want to strangle him. It was hard to figure him out, and part of me just wanted to pick a side and stick with it.

Finally, Sensei Wu jerked awake and blinked a few times to adjust to the sudden awakening. He looked a bit disoriented and embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he gathered his composure and addressed me, "Brick," he said simply, reaching for his staff.

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