S00E1 - Way of The Ninja

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~~~ Author note: ~~~

This chapter is a filler before they meet Kai. Not really, there will be important points that will come out in the next few chapters. More author's notes at the end of this chapter!

Three months had passed since you first crossed paths with them. In this short span of time, your bond with them had grown remarkably strong. They had become more than just acquaintances; they were now close friends who always seemed eager to involve you in their adventures and take care of you. Surprisingly, Sensei Wu had even taken you under his wing, declaring that you possessed the element of surprise, a notion that puzzled you to no end.

Yet, this idea left you baffled, as you couldn't quite see how you were connected to the element of surprise. After all, your true talent seemed to lie in building things and crafting gadgets, not in any mysterious or unpredictable qualities. The color pink, which seemed to be associated with you, didn't quite match your personality either, adding another layer of confusion to the enigma.

As the days passed, you found yourself amidst a lively card game with your newfound companions. Laughter filled the room as you all playfully teased one another during the game. However, the tranquility was interrupted when Sensei Wu suddenly entered the room.

At this time you were playing cards with the others, until Sensei Wu came into the room and told you and the others to go outside and smell grass.

"Everyone, go outside and smell the grass," Sensei Wu instructed, his tone carrying a sense of wisdom and purpose.


The sun was shining brightly as you and your fellow ninjas strolled towards the amusement park. The air was filled with laughter and excitement, and your eyes lit up at the sight of the colorful stalls brimming with delectable sweets and captivating games. The mere thought of indulging in those treats made your mouth water with anticipation.

"It's quite unusual for Sensei Wu to tell us to have fun instead of training or resting. Do you think he's up to something without us?" pondered Zane, his blond hair gleaming in the sunlight.

Jay, shaking his head, replied, "Hmm, maybe, but I don't think we need to worry. Sensei Wu has always been enigmatic and mysterious since the day we met him."

Meanwhile, Cole couldn't contain his excitement and dashed ahead to one of the stalls selling sweet cakes. You chuckled and followed closely behind, eager to join in the fun.

"Indeed! But I'm not complaining at all. We finally have a day off, and I can't wait to savor all these delightful sweet cakes!" Cole exclaimed joyfully as he took a bite of a luscious cake, savoring the flavor like he was in a dream.

Seeing how much Cole was enjoying himself, he couldn't resist sharing the joy with you. "Here, Brick. Try this!" Cole offered, enthusiastically shoving a piece of cake into your mouth.

As you chewed on the delectable treat, you muffled your response, "Is this vanilla flavored with cookies and cream?" Cole gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up, confirming your guess.

Zane and Jay stood at a distance, observing you and Cole as you two enjoyed your day at the amusement park. They exchanged hushed words, wondering about Cole's plans for the day. "Sometimes I wonder how and what happened to Cole when he told me he was going out with him," Jay whispered, covering his mouth with his hand to keep their conversation discreet.

Zane tilted his head, trying to piece together the information. "Going out? If I'm not mistaken, Cole mentioned that Brick took him to the arcade and the cake factory," he replied, attempting to recall the details.

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