This Is Not A Chapter

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Hello my dear readers! How are you all? How's your health? Are you all doing great? I hope so!

Imreally sorry for not posting lately. Things have been super SUPER heitc for me. There's this exam coming up next week, and I've been cramming like crazy to prepare for it. High school is no joke, right?

But there's another reason I've been MIA. Last month, I had to get ready for this event, and it was a lot of work too. High school life is just rushing by!!!! GRGGRGRGRGRGRR IHATE IT(jk, It's just frustating.)

I'll try my best to find some time to update the story soon. It means a lot to me, and I don't want to leave you all hanging.

Oh, and guess what? I've started making keychains, pins, and stickers now! It's been keeping me super busy, and I'm so excited about it. Right now, they're only available in the SEA region. I haven't officially launched them yet because I'm waiting to get my license sorted out. It's a bit of a process, but I'm getting there! Wohoowohooo!

in summary

I want to say a big big big THANK YOU for your understanding and support. You guys are awesome, and your patience means everything to me. High school is tough, but your encouragement keeps me going. Stay tuned for more updates, and take care of yourselves. See ya next whenever I could upload! BAIIII!

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