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I arrived at my apartment and unlocked the door since it was opened. It was obvious someone was inside ,the lights were on.

Kicking my shoe off, I picked it up and walked into the kitchen going to get water.

“Girl, you look tired”  Tiffany said in her American-Italian accent. That's one thing I do not understand about Tiffany, her accent. It sounds Italian but also sounds American the same time.

“Of course I am” I frowned grabbing water from the fridge and downing it in one go.

“I thought you weren't supposed to work today since it was your interview?” Tiffany asked raising an eyebrow.

“The boss made me work because he knows me” I said dropping the now empty glass on the kitchen counter.

“ If the boss knows you then why are you working for him?” Tiffany asks.

“Well he doesn't know me. I bumped into him this morning and he tried buying me off with money but I sprayed him his money back and now he's seeking revenge” I explained in one breath.

“Damnn good luck then” She said.

“Yeahh” I dropped my bag,“Where's Brad?” I asked.

“He's at work remember, umm he should be back by 8pm” Tiff said going to the kitchen “I'll be going by the way, I'm on night duty”

“Right..... I'm going to sleep, I have to be at work tomorrow by 7 o'clock ” I told her carrying my things from the counter.

“Have some dinner, I made pasta”.

“Oh thanks so much Tiff” I smiled at her, “Let me change first”.

I went to change and came down to eat while Tiffany went to work. Immediately I finished eating, I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then went to bed.


I woke up to the blaring ringtone of my alarm. The digital alarm read 5:45 am, I have to start getting ready.

I did my workout –yes I do workout,I need to keep in shape– and my morning routine then I went downstairs.

“Good morning Brad” I greeted immediately I saw him. I went downstairs and saw him standing shirtless close to the toaster.

“Why are you up so early?” Bradley asked me.

“Duhhh I'm going to work”

“No wonder you look so formal” He said chuckling.

I looked down at my flat shoes, black corporate pants and white sleeved shirt “Whatever”.

“ Isn't it too early?” Brad asked again bringing out steaming hot toast from the toaster and putting it in a plate.

“ I'm supposed to be at work by 7 o'clock, it's 6:45am and I still have to buy coffee at Starbucks, so I have to go” I said watching him spread chocolate syrup on one slice of bread and melted marshmallow on the other. Yum.

I toasted bread, have some while you get coffee at Starbucks ” Brad gave me the bread so I could eat.

“Thanks Brad” I said putting it in a pack so when I got to work I could eat, “Now go put on your shirt before I get sore eyes from looking at you” I said leaving.

“Just admit it! I'm hotter than you” He yelled from behind me, making me chuckle.

I left and went to Starbucks then bought two cups of coffee–one for Kyle and a latte for me. I booked a cab to work while sipping my coffee.

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