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After a while I came back, “Sir it's done”. And he nodded.

“Is there anything else you need me to do sir?” I asked again.

“Bring me my lunch” He said in a commanding tone.

Do not mind him Kayla. Treat him like a disabled who's ashamed of himself and is only using a tough exterior. Yes!

“Okay sir, what do you want for lunch?” I asked him politely.

“Go to Starbucks, get me a cup of coffee, then go to Kim's cuisine and get me Salmon salad and rice”. He ordered.

“Ummm sir, how do I get there?”

“ That's none of my business, take a cab”. He said coldly.

“And my fare?”

“Use your own money or don't you have any?” He smirked evilly.

Calm down Kayla.

“Ok sir” I said about to walk out.
Then he said,“Be back in 20 minutes”.

“Twenty minutes?!” Everybody knows the distance between Starbucks and Kim's cuisine is like ten minutes apart.

“Yes. Twenty minutes” before I could say anything,he said“Your time starts now, go!” He barked coldly.

I ran out of the office and out of the building. People looked at me like I was mad, but that's what Asshole Kyle could do to you.

“Cab! Cab!” I called trying to hail a cab.

“Come on in!” A man in his late forties called me. I jumped into the cab– literally –and yelled “Starbucks please”.

“Yes ma'am” He said stepping on the gas. “I'm Simon by the way” he looked at me through the rearview mirror and smiled.

I smiled back “I'm Kayla”.


“Please Simon,could you wait for a while, I'm also going to Kim's cuisine” I told him.

“Sure thing” he tipped his hat playfully.

I smiled and stepped out of the car, running to the entrance of the cafe.

“Oh shit, I forgot to ask him what type of coffee he wanted. Argggh” I muttered to myself. I took my phone and instantly called the company's line since I didn't have Kyle's number yet.

After a few rings, Lucas answered “ Hello. KFC telecom company”

“Oh thank God it's you. It's me Kayla” I said.

“Oh Kayla what do you need? Where are you? Why are you calling? Whe–” He bombarded me with many questions till I cut him off.

“Hold on Lucas, first of all I need to ask what type of coffee does Kyle drink? I'm here at Starbucks for his lunch and all but I forgot to ask him what type of coffee. So tell me!” I yelled into the phone agitated, looking at my watch I had fifteen minutes left.

“Just tell them you're there for Kyle's order. They'll know which one to gi–”.

I hung up and ran to order. “Hi I'm here for the order of the CEO of KFC telecom company”.

“Right on it”.

I gave her the money to pay, but she said no need to pay, then I ran out of the cafe. Imagine me running across the street with coffee threatening to fall. 

“ Kim's cuisine Simon,fast” I told him.

“Yes ma'am” he said “But why are you in a hurry?”

“My job is at stake if I don't get to the company in fifteen minutes” I answered him truthfully.

“Oh” he said and drove faster.

We got to Kim's cuisine and I immediately ordered the food. I got back to the car and Simon drove me back to the company, I had two minutes left.

“Here!” I said giving him the money, then I ran to the entrance of the company.

“Your change!” I heard him shout.

“Keep it!” I shouted back.

I heard him say thanks but I was already outside the elevator. “Come on ,come on” I said impatiently as the elevator refused to open.


The elevator door opened and I ran inside, immediately pressing the top floor. When the elevator opened again, I rushed to the office.

“ Right on time” Kyle said looking at his watch.

“Here you go boss” I said handing him the bag that contains the food and the coffee.

“Why thank you ” he said smiling evilly.

I was wheezing, sweating and coughing, but still I was there waiting for his next order.

“You can go” He said coldly.

I left his office without saying anything and went to my desk.

“Girl you look a mess” Lucas said beside me.

“All thanks to your boss” I replied him sarcastically.

“Sorry” he said before going back to work.

I used my fingers to comb my hair then packed it into a ponytail. The telephone on the desk rang and I answered it.

“Come to my office now” Kyle said and hung up.

I went to his office immediately. “Go trash this out” he said pointing to the empty packs of food at the side of the table.

I went there and picked them up, then threw them into the waste bin and went back to my desk.

“Is it lunch yet?” I asked Lucas.

“ Didn't he tell you, lunch time ends by 1:30” Lucas said. I looked at my watch and it read 1:45.

I stared at him in shock. Oh no.

“Oh I almost forgot , I bought you a cup of coffee and a croissant ” Lucas told me smiling.

“Oh Lucas , you're a life saver. Thank you” I hugged him.

Lucas chuckled while I ate away happily. “Kayla, you need to come to the office early”.

“Okay how early?” I asked munching on the croissant.

“7 o'clock ” He said.

“My life is officially over” I looked at him, waiting for him to say ‘I'm just kidding’ but he didn't say anything.

“You'll leave work by 5 o'clock as well” he said looking at the laptop.

“Okay” I had nothing else to say.

The door to Kyle's office opened and then I saw several files on my desk.

“Finish them before you go home” I looked up to see Kyle staring at me blankly.

“ Yes sir” I said.

He left and I turned looking at the files on my desk. I'm sure they were up to twenty.

Revenge. Definitely revenge.

After finishing with the files, I went to Kyle's office to tell him that I was going home. It was past seven after all.

I knocked twice, then entered. “Sir, I came to tell you that'll I'll be going home now” I told him.

“Mhmm” He hummed still looking at his laptop. I turned to leave but then I heard him say, “Don't be late tomorrow Ms. Lopez”.

“Yes sir” I said and left.

I went back home ordering a cab back to my apartment that I actually shared with my best friends who are like my siblings–Tiffany and Bradley Stefano. The ride back home was comforting mostly because I kept dozing off.

Chapter 3 is out guys. I hope y'all aren't hating on Kyle, he had a rough part that'll soon be known in the coming chapters.

Please vote and comment. Love yaa.

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