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It had already been a month since I had started working for KFC telecom company. And it's really been stressful and nerve-wracking, Kyle is an ass and doesn't let me rest and Melissa– the assistant secretary –was being a bitch to me. She wouldn't stop meddling into my affairs and doing things that'll make Kyle fire me. Fortunately he hasn't fired me since so that's good.

I haven't been getting enough rest and my sassy side was kicking in already.

That morning, I had gone to Kyle's office to tell him his schedule per usual and then he was being rude. I know he was normally rude but he went far on this one.

“Don't flirt with workmates, and stay focused. I'm getting reports of you being too social. Knock that off. You're here to learn, are you not?” His tone had shifted from annoyed to super dick.

I closed my eyes, releasing the negative energy he had the unique talent to evoke.

“I am here to learn, but I thought it was important to establish rapport. Is that so bad?” My voice lost a bit of it's normal tone as I second guessed everything I'd done.

“It's embarrassing, that's what it is” he barked at me as his fingers came down to pinch the bridge of his nose. His expression told me what I needed to know. I was an annoyance, a pain, a nuisance to him. Shame burned my insides. It started from my neck, travelling all the way down till I was nauseated.

“Imagine me–one of the youngest promising CEOs of a multi billion dollar company– having a personal assistant like you,”he scoffed at that, “who behaves like a fucking child”

His hooded eyes now a darker shade of grey, narrowed at me “You're a reflection of my staff. Always remember that.”

I stared at the floor, nodding.

He stood and tossed me a clipboard. It had the schedule of the morning and things I needed to do. Before I could ask him a question, he walked out of the door.

I considered myself a good person,kind to everyone, loyal. Sure, I had a little temper. But I have no idea what I'd done to deserve this.

I scanned the list and chewed on my lip. Photocopy the documents on my desk to two more papers. Arrange them in a file accordingly. Print out all the documents on the flashdrive next to the documents. I nodded, more to myself than anyone in particular. Photocopying it is.

I grabbed the stack of thick documents and entered the elevator. Lucas wasn't at his office, he had to personally deliver an important file to a client.

I was still carrying the stack of documents when the elevator door opened and I stepped out.

“Girl, what the hell are you doing carrying those around?” An unfamiliar voice yelled at me. I set the documents on the bench close to me,my heart racing from the movement.

“Can I help you with something?” Shit, that came out rude. Asshole Kyle's speech about being a reflection of his staff irked me. I had been nothing but polite until now. “I'm the new personal assistant for the boss. If there's something I can do to help,let me know”.

“Yeah, I know who you are” he said, his face emotionless. I had no idea what to say after that so I gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Why are you carrying those documents around?”

“Because I was told to” I frowned. Shit–had I made a mistake? I was sure I did it right. It was the same thing I had done for the past two days. Kyle wouldn't mess with me right?

“I get your job duties I did mine a long time ago” he smiled for a split second, then went back to gargoyle. “Why aren't you using the office in the company–the one with the printer and all?”

 CEO'S PERSONAL ASSISTANT Where stories live. Discover now