4 - nerves spiked

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I placed the plate on the tray, carefully lifting everything up to not drop it

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I placed the plate on the tray, carefully lifting everything up to not drop it. I made my way up the staircase and over to the bedroom, unlocking the door before stepping in.

"God. What the fuck have you done here?" I laid the tray on the nightstand table, scanning my eyes around to see decorations and stuff knocked over among the floor, almost like she had been looking for something.

"You know, most of these things are quite expensive." I spoke out, pulling my eyes back on the girl that was wrapped up in her blanket. Eyes completely red from crying.

"Breakfast. Eat please. I need you to be alive and healthy." I continued, her stare coming off the window, over to me and the food on the nightstand.

"Fuck you." Bella mumbled the insult out, glaring at me with anger yet the speck of hopelessness was visible right behind her sleepless eyes.

"Listen, just because i have been my nicest to you so far doesn't mean i don't have the desire to be violent." I lost my calm morning mood and stated.

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you. Can't say the same for someone else though."

"Who is this someone else then? Is it from my father's business? Is this a fucking revenge plan for what he has done to someone?!"

"Missy, watch your language! From now on remember that you aren't getting any rights to ask questions about why you're here." I said with a strong tone. "Understood?"

"Yes." Her eyes drifted off mine and back to the window. "Now eat. I'll ask the maid to come and clean up the mess you have made overnight." I turned and made my way to the door.

"What am i suppose to do? Stare into a wall and slowly go insane?! I have no clothes, no essentials or anything. Who do you think you are? Besides i bought an expensive dress in that store and guess what. I left the bag there from how brutally you dragged me out!"

I shut the door back closed, turning my body to face her way again. "How much was the dress?" I questioned, taking the steps over to the bed. "Why the fuck does that matter right now?!"

I pulled my wallet out the back of my pocket, opening it and counting a few thousand dollars. "Is that enough? That's my apology for not realizing you had a bag with you at that moment." I threw the cash on the sheets, turning back around to leave her be but it didn't end there.

"Oh! Now you think you're cool, huh? Throwing your dirty money wherever!" I took in a deep breath to try and calm myself down, not let my actions take the best of me.

"One more word and you'll be whining in pain." I glared back at her, pointing my finger forward to truly prove that she almost took my last straw.

I stormed out the bedroom and downstairs, locating the maid and ordering her to take care of Bella's bedroom.

I dropped down on the couch, taking my phone from the coffee table before dialing my friend's number.

"Listen, now explain everything. We never agreed on this girl to be with me for so long let alone having her stay at my place. Where the fuck are you? I'm not dumb, i know who her father is and i swear to god, if that motherfucker slits my throat-"

"Ophelia, calm down! Everything is okay. My meetings extended further in the week and i can't do anything about that! It was unexpected for myself as well."

"Buddy, i'm literally gonna end your life before mine does. She's driving me nuts and you're gonna tell me i can't discipline her ass?! This bitc- okay, girl, who is she? Explain. Why the fuck did you pull me into this?" By now i was yelling into the phone.

"I don't have time right now besides it's not a conversation over the phone. All i can say is that this girl you were just about to call a bitch, truly is one and she knows me well. Yet i don't want her to be a corpse before i get the chance to look into her eyes again. Be patient and i'll give you a call when i get back in the country." He didn't even wait for my reply before hanging up. A frustrated groan slipped through my lips, my fist about to smash against the glass table but just in my sight the maid appeared.

"Boss, the girl gave me this." She walked over, handing over the stack of cash. "Okay? Wanted me to take it back?" I faded my frustration and asked calmly.

"She tried to bribe me. Asked me to distract you so she can escape." The girl explained and i immediately stood up. "Keep that for yourself. You deserve it." I pushed her hand away that held the money.

I made my way back upstairs, swinging the door open to immediately be met with her face to face. "Going somewhere?" I gripped her arms, forcing her backwards and on the bed.

"Please don't! I didn't do anything!" She crawled up to the headboard whilst pleading. "You don't learn, do you?! You think i hire workers that i don't trust?! Are you fucking dumb or what?!" I grabbed her arm, yanking her closer to me.

"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! Don't hit me! Don't!" She continued with her pleading voice. "I swear to god if i could i would end you right here and now!" I released my hold, pacing my way to the window and back.

I looked back on her, her back pressed on the headboard again. "I asked you one fucking thing. Just one! For you to stay put and don't do dumb shit but you just do the opposite." I stared right back into her hopeless eyes that were trying so hard to hold the eye contact.

"Listen, eat your damn food. I'm not gonna kill you, i have zero intentions to even lay my hands on you but if you keep doing this shit, i won't be so nice to you next time." I confessed before leaving the room, locking it shut with a sigh.


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