Chapter 6: The Last Night

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Word Count: 1158

The next night, I got a call from Vanessa.

Y/n you need to get to Freddy's now. Avoid the front entrance, you'll see my car and Mike, follow him inside.


Abby and Mike are in trouble. I might not be able to make it there but Mike will be.

What happened?

Just go!

I got in my car and sped off to Freddy's. I saw Vanessa police car around the back and I saw Mike getting out.

"Mike!" I yelled as I got out.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Vanessa called me, she said you needed help." I answered.

"They have Abby, we need to get her out." He told me. I knew this would happen, but I'll save the lecture until after Abby is safe. We went through a vent on the side of the building. It led to the showroom with the stage. We watched as Chica took Abby away while Bonnie and Freddy were performing their usual song. Mike broke the front of the vent and we snuck over to the side of the stage. Freddy almost caught us so we waiting for when he went back to performing until we moved. We both saw a bucket of water and came up with an idea to get them down. I poured the bucket of water onto the stage and Mike used the taser to electrify the water. Both Bonnie and Freddy got shocked and fell down. Temporarily shutting off.

We heard Abby scream and we ran to the back room. Chica was trying to stuff her inside the broken animatronic we saw in the storage room. Mike tasered Chica and she fell to the ground. We began running through the halls until Mike fell to the ground. I looked and saw the cupcake gnawing at his leg. I told Abby to run and hide as I tried to pull the thing off him. Once I pulled it off, I grabbed the taser and got it right in the mouth.

We both ran back out to the showroom in search for Abby but stopped when we heard another animatronic approaching. This one was taller, it's eyes were black with a glowing white pupil instead of red like the others. Mike tasered it but it responded in laughter. That's when I realised this wasn't an animatronic, it was William Afton in his suit. He ran at us and practically threw Mike across the room. He turned to me and I turned away for a moment to see Vanessa with Abby. I looked back to William as he began speaking.

"I thought you looked familiar." He said with his deep robot like voice. "Still got that scar on your leg?" He laughed. Pleading with him wouldn't do anything and I couldn't fight him either. I backed towards Mike before he could hurt him and more. He pulled out a knife and just before he could inflict any injuries on me Vanessa called out to him, pointing a gun. He took off his mask and began to speak to her about how she had lost her loyalty to him.

"Mike!" Abby screamed as she ran over to us. She tried to shake him awake. He eventually woke and told Abby to draw something. I knew exactly what he was planning and let Abby do her thing. I ran over to Vanessa who was in the middle of getting choaked.

"Let her go!" I knew yelling this at him wouldn't do much.

"Fine!" He picked her up more and threw her across the room. She passed out as soon as she hit the ground. "Maybe it was your fault." He began walking over to me. "Your survived all those years ago, maybe you turned her against me." I started backing away. He then stopped and turned to see Abby putting her drawing on the wall. I quickly grabbed his arm before he could get too close.

"You are not going anywhere near her." I told him. I shouldn't have said anything, it wouldn't have made the difference either way. He stabbed me, right in the stomach and god it hurt so much more than people make it seem in the movies. "Maybe a chair would've helped." I said to myself as he dropped me and then I passed out.

The next time I wake up, I'm in the hospital. They told me it's been a month since I got there and gave me a phone so I could call someone. I called home first.




Hey, I'm awake and they told me I'm good to come home. How's Linda?

She's okay.

How's Mum?

Surprising she hasn't touched a bottle of alcohol since you we found out you were in there. She's gotten a job too.

Really, that's very out of character for her.

Do you want me to come and get you?

Uh, maybe, let me just call someone else first then I'll call you back if I need a ride.

I then called Mike.

Hello, this is the Schmidt residence.

Who let you answer the phone, Abby?

Y/n? You're awake!

I know!

Oh my god, I have so much to tell you.

I'm sure you do, is Mike home?

Let me get him.

I heard distant yelling. From what I could hear, Abby didn't tell him it was me on the phone.

This is Mike.

You sound so formal when you answer the phone, you know.


No it's Freddy.

Haha very funny. Are you okay? How are you feeling?

Well I'm awake but a ride back home sounds great.

Oh, so you're just using me for a ride.

Yes, but not just in a car.

Y/n! Abby is still right here!

And I am still in the hospital.

I'll see you in 10.

Thank you.

I hung up and waited for him to pick me up. I could walk for the most part but I limped slightly. They said that I'm not completely healed and I need to be careful. I waited in the waiting room until I saw him and Abby walked in. Abby ran up to me and practically jumped into my arms.

"Ow, careful." I said as she almost landed on my wound.

"Oh, sorry." She grabbed my hand and led me to Mike.

"Hey." He pulled me into a gentle hug then gave me a kiss on the cheek. I heard Abby gasp.

"Are you two dating?" She asked as we walked out to the car. I looked at Mike who was about to protest.

"Oh absolutely." I agreed and winked at him. He rolled his eyes and helped me into the car.

"Sure." He agreed and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Agh gross." Abby said as she got into the back.

*This is the end but if you want more, please let me know because I am more than happy to write more.*

Maybe a Chair Would've Helped (Mike Schmidt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now