Chapter 1: Family Day

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Word Count: 1195

*This is before anything in the movie takes place.*

"Mum!?" I yelled as I rushed downstairs. It was almost time for Linda to get to school. Mum was supposed to go with her today. There's a family day of sorts and it only goes for a couple hours so her and Linda would be back home before the day ends. Which leaves Mum with more than enough time to do all her alcoholic activities. But, when I reached the bottom of the stairs, there was Linda trying to wake Mum from her extremely hung over slumber. She knew about the family day and promised she'd go, but apparently not.

"Just leave her, Lindy." I consoled her as I grabbed her hand and guided her to the front door. "I'll take you." She left and entered my car. Mum was never abusive, just very absent. She'd clean the house, take care of us and all the other motherly things, but only when it suited her. Dad worked away. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. We have a steady cash flow and I chip in every now and then, though I have to step into a mother role for Linda quite often. It got the point where I had planned to get out of that house and leave for college as soon as possible, but I knew Linda wouldn't survive without me. So I do online courses in my very limited free time, I work half of the time and the rest is spent doing things around the house and taking care of Linda.

Today was a very special day. I was going to meet one of Linda's bested friends that she is constantly talking about. Abby. She was quiet and drew a lot so they didn't talk much. Linda told me that she kept her company while she drew and if anyone tried to annoy her, Linda would ward them off. It was quite a weird friendship dynamic but it's better than nothing.

We soon arrived and headed into the classroom. It looked as though only a couple families were missing, so thankfully we weren't awkwardly the last ones to get there. We waited for a while until the last group came in and we moved to the playground for all the children and parents to mingle while the teachers got the breakfast ready.

I watched as Linda ran up to Abby and they began talking. Linda dragged Abby over to me and introduced her. "Y/n, this is my bested friend in the whole world, Abby." I chuckled and shook Abby's hand.

"Hello Abby." I smiled. "I've heard about your drawings from Linda, I've also heard you're quite good, can I see one?" She nodded and showed me a drawing of her, what I was guessing was an imaginary friend and a guy named Mike.

"Mike is my brother." She told me. "He's here somewhere." She looked around and pointed him out in the crowd. She dragged Linda over to him and I stayed where I was and watched from a distance. I couldn't see Mike's face, there were people in the way but I knew he was there. I then saw Linda look around until she spotted me again and ran over to me.

"Mike is so hot, you need to meet him." She told me in an excited giggle.

"You're 10 years old, Linda." I lectured her with a chuckle. "I need to see this for myself." I got up and she dragged me over to him. As I neared Abby and Mike, I finally saw him. Linda wasn't wrong, he was good looking. He had messy brown hair, brown eyes and just a really nice face in general. Though, he was a bit short, that won't matter.

"Hey." He held out his hand. "I'm Mike."

I shook his hand. "Yes I've heard." I chuckled and looked to Linda who was bright red. She's obviously about to droll all over this 25 year old man. Who knows what thoughts were doing on in her head. "I'm Y/n." I smiled.

"Hey Linda, you wanna go play on the playground?" Abby asked her as she grabbed her hand. Linda nodded, but didn't leave until she said something to me first.

"Put in a good word for me." She whispered as she ran off with Abby. I shook my head and turned to Mike.

"So, your Linda's sister I'm guessing." He said sheepishly.

"Uh, yeah." I nodded. "Mum couldn't make it so I stepped in so she wouldn't feel left out. You doing the same?" I asked.

"Sort of, though it's more of a permanent situation." He answered and I nodded. I knew what he meant and I can tell he doesn't want to get into it. "Agh." He sighed trying to break the awkward silence. "What do you do for work?"

"I work in a bookstore downtown." I answered. "You?"

"Mall security guard." He answered some what shamefully.

"Oh god, what is that like?" I asked with a chuckle, he chuckled also.

"Not as bad as you might imagine. Of course, most days it's boring and other days people are just ridiculous. But it pays the bills." He laughed.

We continued the small talk for a while and I learn that their Aunt was trying to get custody of Abby. I couldn't help but feel bad so I mad an offer. "If you ever need to go out and do something I can babysit Abby if you want?"

"Actually, that would be great." He smiled. "I'll call you If I ever need anything."

The rest of the day went smoothly and Linda and I returned home. Mum was no longer on the couch and was in the middle of cleaning the house. I told Linda to go to her room so I could speak to our mother.

"You were supposed to be there." I told her as I leaned against the door frame that led into the kitchen.

"But you were there and you went." She told me as she continued to wash the dishes.

"That isn't the point. You promised you'd be there for her." I scolded her slightly, though I kept a calm voice.

"But I don't have to be there for her because you can do it for me." She genuinely believed what she was saying.

"I'm not the one that is supposed to look after her, you are-." She cut me off.

"Do not tell me what to do!" She yelled as she stopped washing the dishes. "I am your mother and you will not make me out to be the bad person!"

"Your not a bad person, you just need to be present in Linda's life." I told her again, trying to stay calm. "I'm not her mother."

"Exactly! Your not her mother! So why are you taking that role in her life!?" She yelled at me again.

"Because your not!" I yelled at stormed out the front door. I can't deal with this. Dad gets back in a couple days. Maybe then I won't have to be a parent. I love Linda, but it isn't my job.

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