Truth or Dare (human AU)

45 2 11

TW: Swearing, fluffiness

This was requested by @thatdambookworm go follow her! Her stories r amazing! Sorry for not posting lately, I have been invested in an awesome solangelo book! This oneshot includes Solangelo (obvi) and Frazel Enjoy loves!

(They are at Pipers mansion FYI)

Nico's POV:

Me, Will, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Piper, and Jason were all sitting in a circle. Waiting for our impending doom. Why I agreed to play this stupid game? I have no idea. Leo broke the silence. "I'll start!" He smiled deviously and looked around the room. His gaze landed on Piper. "Ah-ha! Piper, truth or dare?" She visibly gulped. "U-ummmm, Dare?" Leo's smile deepened. "A brave one she is." He thought for a moment. "I dare you to....Give Nico a makeover." My jaw dropped. Everyone started laughing. "Y-you can't do that! It's her dare!" Leo grinned "Exactly, so I dared her to give you a makeover!!" I groaned. "Fine." Piper grinned and dragged me to the bathroom. "Okay! Sit over there!" I shuffled over to the seat while Piper grabbed what she needed. She came back with some makeup, clothes, and jewelry? "Are you okay with a little pain?" I shrugged. "Can I pierce one of your ears?" I can tell she was expecting a no. "Sure why not." Piper's jaw dropped. "REALLY?!?" she screeched so loud my ears were ringing. "Yeah do whatever you want just stop screaming!" she nodded hard "Yes sir, while i'm pushing my luck, can I maybe possibly give you a haircut too?" I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but it has to stay kind of long and not look like trash." She grinned "No problem. Let me go grab some stuff." Piper ran out of the room and back at the speed of light. She was carrying ice and a few other things. "Okay, so do you want both ears or just one pierced?" I shrugged "might as well do both." She nodded and got to work. I can tell she's done this before because she finished in like three minutes. After that she put two little metal earrings in. one was a stubby one and the other was a sword shaped one. "Okay now i'm just gonna trim your hair." Piper gave me the quickest haircut in history then made me go change. I didn't really pay any attention to what I was putting on, I just kinda wanted to get back to Will- I mean the game. When I came out of the closet (Pun intended) Piper gasped. "O.M.G Nico! You look like one of those hot guys from BTS!" I laughed "THATS who your comparing me to? 'One of those hot guys from BTS'?" She nodded yet again. I sighed. "Okay are we done now?" Her mouth formed a word but then she seemed to get an idea. "Wait! I know what would pull this together!" Piper ran back out of the room and came back .1 second later. She held up a weird pencil thing with pride. "You'll thank me later!" Then she attacked me with her pencil. "Hold still! I don't wanna poke your eye out!" I groaned but did as she asked.

A minute later, I was standing in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. "Wow pipes. How did you do that?" Piper beamed proudly "I'm magical. Anyways, time to show you off to Will!" I flushed "Excuse me?" I didn't have time to say anything else because she was pushing me out into the living room where everyone was sitting. "Done! Doesn't he look amazhang?" Everyone turned to look at me. Leo was the first to speak. "Nice job beauty queen! I'm bored lets get back to the game!"

I agreed gratefully. Piper pouted a bit because her 'work' didn't get admired enough but she sat back in her spot. I noticed Will staring at me from across the room. I mouthed What? But he just shook his head and smiled. I huffed. "Okay! Piper your turn!" Leo said excitedly. She grinned. "Hmmmmmm lets see." She scanned the room. "Hazel! Truth or Dare?" I looked over at her and was slightly surprised when she picked dare. Pipers face twisted into a grinch level smirk. ( "I dare you to kiss your crush, not to be cliché or anything!"

Hazel's POV"

"I dare you to kiss your crush, not to be cliché or anything!" My eyes widened. Frick! Frick frick frick!! Why Piper why? I took a deep breath. You know what? No she didn't say it had to be in front of anyone. "Wellll you didn't say it had to be in front of everyone, sooooo i'll just step out of the room while I complete the dare." She groaned. "Thats not fair!!" I just smiled. Piper rolled her eyes. "Fineee but at least we'll know who your crush is." I sighed and stood up. Then I slowly shuffled to Frank. "Um lets go I guess." I muttered quickly. His eyes turned to saucers. But he got up too and we walked out of the room. He stopped in front of me. "Am I actually your crush or are you joking" I flushed. Oh wait he probably didn't like me! Thats why he was asking. I fumbled around, trying to explain myself. "If you don't like me its fine! We can go back into the room and pretend this never happened! I mean why would someone as hot as you like someone like me? Like that makes like no sense right?" I winced at how many times I said 'like' but I forced myself to confess since I was already this far. "IlikeyouFrankidontwanttomakethingsweirdbetweenusbuticantholdinmyfeelingsanylo-" I was cut off by lips on mine. He quickly pulled away and started apologizing over and over. "oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! You just looked so cute and I cou-" I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything I had. He was surprised at first, but then he cupped my cheek and kissed me back. His lips were slightly chapped and tasted like strawberries. Too soon, I had to pull away for air. Frank's face was flushed and he was grinning so wide his muscles had to hurt. I laughed "So i'm guessing you like me too?" He chuckled as well "It's not too obvious right?" I pecked his lips one more time. "We should get back."

Nico's POV:

Can't say I was surprised when Hazel left with Frank. She's been pretty obvious about her crush on him. (don't tell her I said that though) While we waited for them to finish making out, Percy and Jason were trying to make up a dance to 'Under the Sea' which was pretty funny to watch. "No Jason! Move your foot that way then spin!" Jason huffed "we need someone else to dance with us, then I can just watch what they're doing instead of having to remember it." Percy tapped on his chin. "You know what? Great idea!" He looked around the room for a victim to add to his 'dance'. His eyes landed on me. "Nico! You're our third member!" I scoffed. "No thanks Jackson, I'm okay watching." Percy shook his head. "Nope! You have no choice. Jason grab him!" And thats how I ended up dancing with Percy and Jason. Will was laughing the whole time and I just glared at him. Luckily, before we could get to the 'dancing fishies' number, Hazel and Frank stumbled back into the room, looking all flushed. Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "took you long enough." Hazel and Frank looked anywhere but at us. "Well! I have someone to dare!" Hazel said, trying to change the subject. I'll ask for the details later. So we got back to the game.

Leo ended up prank calling our math teacher, Jason had to put on a dress, makeup, and fairy wings and jump into the pool from the balcony while singing 'Sofia the first', Percy had to tape a bunch of rubber ducks to his shirt and run around the neighborhood shouting 'I'M THE RULER OF DUCKS!', Frank had to drink a concoction of sauces (Hazel was happy she kissed him before he drank that), and Will had to do 50 pull-ups shirtless. And everyone except Percy was looking at me knowingly the entire time. Like, what do they want from me?! Will then dared Annabeth to kiss Percy, and they happily obliged. That meant I was the only one left who hasn't been dared.

"Nico Truth or Dare?" Annabeths intelligent eyes studied me intently. "Dare." I blurted out before I had time to think. She smiled. Wrong answer. "I dare you to sit on Will's lap the rest of the night." I gaped at her. "Excuse me?" Then I looked over at Will hoping he would back me up, but that coward just shrugged. Piper cackled "Go on Nico, sit on your friends *cough* boyfriends *cough* lap!" I stomped over to him and plopped down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him more. He leaned in to whisper something into my ear and my breath hitched. "Just so you're aware, I have a crush on you." He said it like it was the most casual thing in the world. But this was some big news for me! I whipped around. "EXCUSE ME?!! YOU'RE JUST NOW TELLING ME THIS?!???!?!?" Everyone turned to look at us. I blushed, realizing how loud I had yelled. Then I grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door and down the hall. "Where are we going?" Will sounded slightly concerned. I stopped at a guest room and shoved him inside, locking the door behind me. "Are you gonna murder me or something? Cause if s-" I grabbed his collar and crashed my lips onto his. He yelped in surprise but then kissed me back. Will pushed me up against the door and deepened the kiss. I moved my hands to his hair and was surprised by how soft it was. When we pulled away for air, I told him so. "How is your hair so fucking soft?" He put his finger over my lips. "Language." A few moments later he answered. "Lots of conditioner." I laughed and his eyes widened. "Wow." I stopped and stared at him. "What?" Will shook his head. "Nothing, it's just I never heard you laugh before." I looked down self consciously. He lifted my chin. "No, it's not a bad thing. Your laugh is beautiful." I smiled. "Thanks Will." I kissed him one more time. Short and sweet. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked. He nodded "I would love that."

Gods I love Truth or Dare.

1787 words!! I hope your little solangelo/frazel loving souls are content! I'm too fricking lazy to proof read so i'm sorry if anything is misspelled or doesn't make sense. Love you guys! Thanks for all the support!


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