Switching roles

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tw: swearing, some more steam then usual so don't read if ur in a room with ur parents or in public :)

Hey guys! Welcome to another chapter! This is about Will getting sick and Nico taking care of him, hence the title switching roles. Hope you enjoy :)

Nico's POV:

I was walking around the snowy grounds of Camp Half-Blood. When I heard loud coughing coming from cabin 7. Will was the only one occupying the Apollo cabin currently so I immediately knew it was him and rushed over. I knocked 3 times. "Will? Are you okay?" I heard some rustling. "Hey neeks! I'm fine! You can go!" He sounded super stuffed up. "Haha nice try, i'm coming in." I shoved the door open and walked inside. It was darker then usual, and there were tissues everywhere. I scanned the room and saw a lump on the floor. "Hey mi amore." I evaded all the garbage on the floor and sat down next to my boyfriend. He mumbled a hello. "You shouldn't be in here. You're gonna get sick." I chuckled. "I don't care sunshine" We sat on the floor for a bit before I decided my next course of action. "Lets get you off the floor love." He groaned. After a bit of struggle, he ended up on his feet with the blanket around his shoulders. I dragged him over to his bunk and plopped him down onto it. "I'm gonna go get you some soup and medicine. Don't. Move." "Wasn't planning on it."

I ran out of the cabin and towards the infirmary. I picked up some Tylenol, and Ambrosia. Then, I went to the dining pavilion, and asked one of the harpies for some chicken soup and water. Once I got all the goods. I sprinted back to Will. The floor creaked as I made my way to his bunk. "Hey tesoro." I sat him up. "Can you eat some of this?" I offered the ambrosia. He nodded weakly and nibbled on it. I kissed his forehead and gasped. "Holy shit you're hot!" Will smirked. "By Hades Solace! I didn't mean it like that!" He raised an eyebrow. "Sure you didn't darlin'" I rolled my eyes. "Your southern is showing." Will flushed a deep red. "There! Now you don't look as pale." He groaned and rolled away. "But seriously Will, you have a fever." He nodded into the pillow. "Yeah I caught that. It's HOT in here." He pushed himself back up, and pulled his shirt off. It was my turn to blush. "Like what you see?" He flexed his muscles, which were surprisingly impressive. "Yeah, I do. Now take some Tylenol." He grinned, and obliged. "I hate to say this neeks, but you should probably go. I don't want you to get sick." I shook my head. "Mi sole, that is the very least of my worries."

He backed towards the wall. "I know but like, this cold/fever/whatever the fuck this sickness is sucks. And I really don't want you to catch it too, that would be bad." I sighed. "Sunshine, I Do. Not. Care. I'm gonna stay with you as long as it takes for you to get better." I thought for a moment. "You know what? To show how serious I am...." I scooted towards him. "Nico, what do you think you're doing?" I smiled and pressed him up against the wall. He tried to duck away, but I had him pinned with my arms. "Don't even think about it death boy." I leaned in so our lips were a millimeter from touching and whispered. "just did." Then I kissed him. Will tried to pull away for about 2 nanoseconds before he started kissing me back. I deepened the kiss and he responded by shoving his hands under my shirt and running his fingers over my stomach. A few weeks ago I would've immediately pulled away and left, but now I leaned into his touch. I straddled his lap and pressed even closer to him. He suddenly flipped us around so I was now the one pressed against the wall. He pulled my shirt off completely and then started kissing down my neck. I'm pretty sure I got a hickey but I don't care. When he started kissing my stomach, I giggled. He immediately stopped and looked up at me with shock in his eyes. I covered my mouth. "Did the ghost king just Giggle?" I shook my head hard. "I never knew you were ticklish!" I glared at him "I'm not ticklish solace." He raised an eyebrow. "Sure about that darlin'?" before I knew what he was doing, he started tickling me. I tried to resist, but it was impossible not to laugh. "Yeah, you are totally not ticklish death boy." I tried to squirm away. "S-S-St-top!!" After he decided he had tortured me enough, he stopped. I lied on the bunk, trying to catch my breath. "I hate you, significant annoyance." He pecked me on the cheek "Love you too Neeks."

Long story short, I was sick in the morning.

848 words! not as many as last time, but I hope you still enjoyed! I didn't proof read so I hope it doesn't have too many sentences that make zero sense. I'm so excited because I'm getting Magnus Chase and Chalice of the Gods! I hope they aren't too depressing, but knowing Rick I'm gonna be crying super hard like 50 pages in! Luv u all!


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