I hate bullies (high school AU)

43 1 8

tw: Swearing, Fighting, Slurs

Hey guys!! I'm NOT excited for school tmrw, but at least we get a four day weekend for MEA! This oneshot is about Will being bullied and Nico being a badass and saving him.

Will's POV:

Keep your head down. Walk. Don't let them see you. Almost th- "HEY LOOK WHO IT IS!" Shit. I started walking faster, but I got pulled back by my hoodie. "If it isn't Mr. gay sunshine boy!" Gay sunshine boy? What were they doing? Taking random insults from the internet and mixing them all together? Probably. Rat number 2 came up behind Rat number 1. "Bartholemu! Let me have a turn! You got to beat him up last time!" I snorted and they all looked at me "Heyyyy whats so funny?" Rat number 4 gasped. "Horace! I think he's laughing at barth's name!" Rat number 3's eyes widened. "Your right gretchen!" I was so close to laughing my gay sunshiney head off but then Rat number 1 sneered and pulled down on my hoodie so that I fell on my butt. "This'll teach him not to laugh at us." Bartholemu kicked me in the face Hard. I heard something crack, but could hardly process the pain before I was dragged across the pavement towards Harry or whatever his name was. He decided he wanted my insurance to take a big hit today, so he stomped on my leg. I kinda felt like Bella Swan from twilight when that one hunter dude broke her leg. Except my leg got smushed, not broken. And it wasn't a vampire, it was a fat guy with a mustache growing between his eyebrows.

Barf pulled me up by my collar. "You're gonna regret laughing now." His lips pulled up into a malicious grin, and I shivered. Then, he pushed me up against the wall of the school. "Gretchen! You're up first." I gulped as he slowly walked towards me. He then looked me up and down as if deciding where to start. He finally made up his mind and punched me in the balls. A whoosh of air exited my lungs so fast I started coughing. The group of rats started laughing. Gretchen punched my jaw, and my teeth crashed together. Tears started to blur my vision. The idiot pinning me to the wall called the next guy up, he smacked me so hard, I slipped out of Barfs hands and fell to the ground. My head smacked down onto the pavement. They gave up on smacking me one at a time and just started kicking me repeatedly. I curled into a ball and hoped this misery would end soon. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and dripping onto the sidewalk. Or maybe that's blood I don't know.

"STOP!" I heard a voice yell. The kicking paused, and I sighed in relief. The rats laughed at the mysterious person who had yelled at them. I silently prayed that the boy wouldn't get completely destroyed because he had tried to help me. I tried to get up, but winced when a sharp pain shot through my ribcage. "Why are you hurting him?" one of the rats scoffed. "Uh, because we can?" I gathered all my will power (HAHAHA GET IT? No? Okay.) and turned my head to see what was happening. There was a small boy with dark hair, standing his ground even though four big fat bullies where staring him down. I felt a flutter in my chest. He was standing up for me. This may sound pathetic, but nobody has ever done something nice like this for me before. Like, ever. Probably because i'm openly gay, and nobody can accept when somebody is different. And I'm also a big swiftie, and for a guy that kind of thing is real- my thoughts were interrupted when one of the rats shifted their weight so I could see my savior. Holy. Shit. He was HOT. Wayyyyy out of my league. His dark hair was slightly overgrown so it messily framed his pale face perfectly. He had deep, mysterious, brown eyes. And full, pink lips. I'm in love.

Nico's POV:

One of the bullies shifted his weight, giving me a clear view of this poor guys face. My eyes widened. Oh Dio. He was GORGEOUS. Messy blond hair, big azure eyes, a splatter of freckles and a slight dusting of pink coating his cheeks. Oh and also he had blood coming from his nose, a cut above his eyebrow and dirt Everywhere.

The ugly ass leader stepped forward. Sneering. He probably though he was scaring me. "I'll give you two choices punk." He held up three fingers. "You can either get a light beating and go without another word. Or, You can join the fag on the ground." I glared at the nickname. I had way too much experience with that word. I took a few light steps toward him. "I have a better deal. You let us go and never bother us again. Or you can end up in the same condition as him. Except worse of course." They laughed. "Are you dumb or something? It's four to one. You would lose immediately." I rolled my eyes "Then it should be an easy decision." The bullies all looked at each other for a second. Then, they all started smiling. At least I think they were smiling, I couldn't tell. "Get ready to join Mr. Sunshine." They started closing in. One of the leaders minions threw a punch. I grabbed his arm, whipped him around, then let go. He stumbled back and rammed into one of the dudes. His momentum taking them both out. The leader growled. What are you? A dog? He kicked, aiming for my shin. At the last second, I grabbed his leg and flipped him. His back smacked into the ground. The last guy snuck up behind me and put me in a choke hold. While I was trying to get out of it, the first guy I took down stood up and punched me. Right in the jaw. Blood trickled into my mouth. Before he could draw his hand back again, I grabbed the arm putting my in a choke hold and pulled down. Then, I leaned forward as fast as I could and flung the dude off my back onto the other guy. They both fell on top of the bully who was still lying on the floor.

Back to Will's POV:

My jaw was hanging open. That was AWESOME! He casually wiped his hands on his jacket and turned towards me. He laughed at my expression. "You're gonna catch flies if you don't shut your mouth." I flushed and quickly snapped my mouth shut. "Sorry, that was just so cool! Thank you so much!" He shrugged "I don't like when people do that to others. By the way, whats your name?" I smiled "Will. Will Solace. Whats yours?" He walked over to help me get to my feet. "Nico Di Angelo."

1,166 words! I'm gonna make a pt. 2 then I'll get back to my christmas series! I hope you enjoyedddddddd, See ya in the next chapter! Oh and also, if you have any requests, feel free to comment them! I can't reply to comments but i'll for suresies make ur idea a oneshot!


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