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Hyunjin PoV

Going to the club with others was not planned as a part to our original day out. Not until Changbin suggested it and everyone agreed. Chan wanted to celebrate Jeongin finally being legally old enough, according to international standards, to drink alcohol. 

So we entered one of the most crowded and cliche-plot-turning places to ever exist. I may sound overdramatic but considering my phonophobia, a club wasn't the best place. I still managed restaurants with those bars but a club was a part of my 'Top 5 places I hate' list.

I just quietly sat down in the quietest corner of the club and plugged in my earphone which I always carried. My classical piano playlist started playing and calm spread across my body. My mind momentarily forgot about the place I was in as I drifted to a ballroom of a palace. 'Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: I. Morning Mood' by Edvard Grieg started playing. The melody always reminded me of a butterfly, fluttering its wings to fly from one flower to another. Sometimes flying high, sometimes flying low. A natural beauty that made my hand itch to paint each time I witnessed it.

I saw a sober Seungmin and a slightly tipsy Changbin come towards me with a drink in their hands. I momentarily pulled out one side of the earphones while the classical piano piece continued playing in the other ear. "Care for a drink, Hyunie?" Changbin asked and hiccuped. Seungmin giggled and kissed Changbin's forehead. He put out his hand holding the glass, "Loosen up, Hwang. Might as well drink enough to ignore the loud noise." 

"No thanks, Kim. I am happy with my virgin mojito. I'd advise you take your lovebug home before we have to witness PDA," I replied, sweetly declining the offer. In response, Changbin took the glass and downed it. Seungmin shook his head and dragged him away, probably towards the dorms where they could enjoy the night.

I stared across the club, trying to find the others. I spotted Jeongin and Chan near a small table with an array of glasses. Chan seemed to be introducing Jeongin to the various types of alcoholic drinks (whose credit card were they maxing?) and the younger one seemed to be very interested in the conversation. There was no luck in finding the quokka and bunny, they were probably in the corner doing god knows what. Felix seemed to be enjoying his time on the dance floor. 

He was drunk-dancing with a boy, who looked oddly familiar. Wait... that was Son Young-jae, wasn't it? He is Ju-yeon's friend, I think? At this point, I don't even care. As long as everyone is safe and sound, I was happy to keep an eye on them. 

Chan seemed to be coming my way but Jeongin seemed extremely nauseous so Chan had to quickly escort him to a bathroom before he soiled someone's dress. Felix seemed to have forgotten about our entire group, dancing away with disco lights and unbearable loud music. He was literally shining, his milky skin of his sleeveless hands reflecting the shiny lights and his blond hair shiny under the silver disco ball. 

I wouldn't say he looked like a fairy since the lights, his clothing and his dance made him look anything but innocent, however he looked like an ethereal extraterrestrial. He just looked too good to be true with his bright smile and twinkling eyes. 

He reminded me of daffodils - they wilted so quickly if they aren't taken care of but signify new beginnings. 

I still remember the night Felix silently cried beside me and Chan, crying over some silly girl that Charles had started dating. How he constantly stalked her socials to try to be like her, to understand how she could steal something that was his. With every neglect from Charles, his petals seemed to drop one by one. Thank god I was there to nurture him back to good health. Poor child couldn't stop his abandonment anxiety and insecurities acting up.

I got up, heading towards the exit for fresh air, suffocated by the smell of alcohol in the air. Everyone looked safe and secure so it shouldn't be irresponsible of me to leave them alone for a while. Giving the sunshine of my life a last glance, I let the refreshing land breeze envelope me in its coolness.

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