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I sat up a bit, my throat felt really dry and I just felt sick in general. A nurse came in, told me I was pale and gave me some pain killers. I swallowed them down with water, choking a bit because of all the flowers.

I frowned a bit after as I realised I'd have to talk to Tweek about my feelings. At that, I choked up a flowers bud, even my coughs were hoarse. I groaned and texted Tweek.


Soon Tweek came, slightly smiling at me with sympathy.

"Hey... you feel any better?"

I shook my head. Tweek sighed and brought a chair over to the bed, placing himself on it.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

I felt my heart beat a bit faster, my face becoming warm.

"U-uhm... Tweek I... I..."

I felt my face go red in embarrassment at my own stutters. I nervously looked at Tweeks cute face and coughed a bit. I sat up and gagged as Tweek got up to and rubbed my back. His touch felt nice but it only made the flowers more angry. By reflex, I arched my back upwards while throwing up. There was a mix of blood and flowers throughout the vomit, making it look gross. My eyes became watery as I felt a sharp pain come up my throat. A whole stem came out. A whole stem with a small flower attached to one end. I gasped for air and rested back on Tweek who sat behind me.

"C-craig, you're still throwing up flowers..?"

I only nodded as I closed my eyes slightly, slowly gaining my regular breathing pattern back.

"I-I'm going to get a doctor."


I held Tweek's sleeve until I knew he wouldn't try to get up, "I need to talk to you."

Tweek sighed and hugged me nervously.

"Okay... umm... Tweek I have... God."

I dragged my hands over my face in embarrassment and nervousness.

"I have hanahaki disease."

"...Is that not fictional?"

I only shrugged. Tweek stayed silent for a minute, before I heard a suprised tone from him, "Wait, hanahaki?! You have feelings for someone?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

I shuddered a bit, knowing I'd have to tell him. I had to be direct otherwise I'd never get to tell him. I bit my top lip and took a nervous breath. I moved off of tweek and sat up straight now to face him. Just as I was about to tell him, a nurse came in and cleaned up the vomit before coming over to check on me.

I was never going to get to tell Tweek.

Hanahaki (Creek) AUWhere stories live. Discover now