Grilled Cheesus

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The Hummel brothers walked into their family's mechanic shop before school and sent their father a welcoming smile.

"Hey, Dad. " Kurt called, raising the brown paper bag in his view,"You forgot your breakfast." he explained, as Mickey sat down in one of the spinning chairs and rolled over towards where Burt was working on a car.

"Hey, that's my. ." Burt trailed as he finally noticed his kids standing behind him,"Kiddos," he greeted warmly

"Suzanne Somers says that skipping breakfast is suicide, " Kurt said, handing the man the paperbag as he paused from the car and sat the drill down

“Though, that’s not at all true,” Mickey shook his head with a chuckle, earning a slight glare from his brother,”What? I’m just saying that skipping breakfast isn’t gonna kill dad,” he shrugged, rolling his eyes at his brothers dramatics

Burt opened the paper bag, frowning as he looked inside, "What is this?"

"It's an egg white wrap on a sprouted wheat tortilla. Half a grapefruit and a green drink." Kurt told him

“Now that shit will definitely kill you,” Mickey commented seriously

"Says the one that skipped breakfast this morning," Kurt countered, giving his brother a pointed look,"Suicide." he said pointing to his brother

“More like Hummel-cide,” Mickey joked,leaning back in the chair

“Okay, stop. Mick watch your language and don’t joke about that,” Burt butted in sternly, and turned to Kurt,”Don’t lead him that direction. Also, where’s my usual breakfast?” he asked confused

"A coke and two slim jims?" Kurt scoffed, crossing his arms

"Yeah. Breakfast for champions," Burt muttered, not seeing the problem in his usual choice

"Dad, you are not a kid anymore, you have to start taking care of yourself,“ Kurt said sternly, acting as if he was the parent

"Just drain it in hot sauce or something,” Mickey suggested, and looked to Kurt,”We should go,” he mumbled, more than ready to get to school now

"Hey, you two, don't forget. " Burt said, walking back towards the car and pointing between his two kids,"Friday night dinner is six this week. Carole has to work the night shift so it all works out."

"I can't do this Friday." Kurt said, as Mickey and Burt turned, looking at the boy in confusion

"We always do Fridays?" Burt reminded him, confused by the sudden change in plans. "You were busy last week too, “

"Uh, I-I know, but sing-along Sound of Music at the El Royale Theater is on Friday. I figured you'd want to go too, you know? It's a once-a-year event,” Kurt defended, trying to ignore the look his father was giving him,"You have games to cheer for sometimes. It's the same thing," he tried to turn it on Mickey who sighed tiredly

"Last week you had to camp out early so you could be first in line for those Grey's Anatomy DVDs. Not the same thing as a school event." Burt argued, obviously not just gonna let it go so quickly

"Season six, Dad." Kurt reminded him as if it changed anything

"Look, those Friday night dinners are a ritual in our family. " Burt said, as Kurt sighed. "One your mom started, " his words causing Mickey to tense a little, which neither noticed

"I know, but I'm a teenager. Friday nights are kind of important to me.” Kurt argued back, annoyance clear in his tone

“Can we just leave it?” Mickey questioned, being filled with a sadness that always came with the mention of his mother

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