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As I stood on the sidelines of the practice field, clipboard in hand and a keen eye on the players, my gaze inevitably found its way to Shubman Gill. The rhythmic sound of leather meeting willow filled the air, but for me, it was the sight of his hands that held my attention.

Shubman's hands, strong and graceful, gripped the bat with a certain finesse that only he possessed. Each stroke was a dance, a poetry of movement that spoke volumes about his dedication to the game. I couldn't help but marvel at the way his fingers caressed the willow, guiding it through the air with precision.

As the junior analyst for the team, my role was to observe and analyze, but my heart had taken on a different task. It beat a little faster every time Shubman stepped up to the crease. I found myself drawn to the simple elegance of his gestures, and my admiration for his skills morphed into something deeper, something I hadn't anticipated – love.

During a water break, my best friend and confidante, Ishan Kishan, sidled up to me with a mischievous grin. "Ads, kya scene hai? Itni concentration se kyun dekh rahi hai Shubman ko? Lagta hai cricket nehi idhar tho love guru chahiye.?" he teased, nudging me playfully. I rolled my eyes but couldn't deny the truth in his words.

"Arre, chup kar, Ish. It's not like that," I replied, attempting to sound nonchalant, though the blush on my cheeks betrayed me.

Ishan chuckled knowingly. "Oh, please. I've seen the way you watch him. You're completely whipped."

Before I could retort, the practice resumed, and my attention once again fixated on Shubman. Little did I know, Ishan's playful words were merely the prelude to the unfolding drama of my heart.

The banter between Ishan and me was momentarily forgotten as I continued to watch Shubman's hands work their magic. It wasn't just about the cricket anymore; it was about the person behind the player, the nuances that made Shubman Gill more than just a cricketer.

After the practice session, as the players dispersed, Shubman strolled over with a grin that could rival the sun. "Enjoying the view, Ads?" he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Caught off guard, I stammered, "I-I was just doing my job, analyzing your technique."

Shubman chuckled, the sound sending shivers down my spine. "Well, your analysis might just be the secret to my success then." He winked, leaving me flustered and heart pounding.

As he walked away, Ishan appeared at my side again, a knowing smirk on his face. "I told you, Ads. You're falling, and you're falling hard."

And maybe, just maybe, as the sun set on the practice field, I couldn't deny the truth any longer. Shubman Gill had become more than just a subject of analysis; he was the unexpected melody in the background of my cricketing journey, and I was dancing to the rhythm of my heart.

A/N: Firstly sorry for the late update guys :( but like when i had the idea for this one-shot, i wanted to make it a little smutty, but like idk how to that :(( but i tried my best and I hope you like it ;) Also we are almost at 400 reads whoa!! I was not expecting this. So  thank you so so much for supporting mee.

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