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Adhira's POV:

Adhira nervously paced back and forth in the coach's box, her eyes fixed on the field where Shubman Gill was facing the fiery James Anderson. The stakes were high, and the tension in the air was palpable. Shubman had been through a lean patch, and this innings was crucial for both him and the team.

As Shubman took his stance, Adhira's heart raced. Every ball bowled, she felt a knot tightening in her stomach. The swing of Anderson, the bouncers—each delivery seemed like an eternity. Adhira clutched the railing, silently urging Shubman to weather the storm.

Shubman's POV:

Shubman felt the weight of expectations as he faced the experienced Anderson. The critics had been relentless during his lean patch, and he was determined to prove them wrong. Adhira's anxious expressions from the coach's box fueled his resolve.

The first few overs were intense, with Anderson testing Shubman's technique. Adhira's worried glances added pressure, but he steadied himself. As the partnership with Axar Patel began to blossom, Shubman found his rhythm. The nervous energy transformed into a steely focus.

Adhira's POV:

Adhira's nervousness slowly turned into awe as she witnessed Shubman's masterclass. The strokes, the precision, and the resilience—Shubman was on a mission. With every run he scored, Adhira's anxiety morphed into a proud smile. She could feel the collective relief in the stadium as Shubman neared his half-century.

Shubman's POV:

As Shubman reached his half-century, he stole a glance towards the coach's box. Adhira's eyes met his, a mix of relief and admiration in her gaze. Determined to make this innings special, he continued to build the partnership with Axar.

Adhira's POV:

The tension rose again as Shubman approached the nervous nineties. Adhira couldn't sit still; her fingers tapped rhythmically on the railing. The crowd erupted in cheers with every run, and Adhira felt a surge of pride. Shubman's focus was unwavering, and Adhira whispered a silent prayer.

Shubman's POV:

Ninety-eight, ninety-nine—the moment of truth arrived. Shubman's heart pounded as he neared the coveted century. A single, and the entire stadium erupted in cheers. Shubman lifted his bat towards the coach's box, a broad smile breaking across his face as he dedicated the century to Adhira.

Adhira's POV:

Adhira's eyes welled up with tears of joy. She clapped her hands, the coach's box filled with a mix of relief and elation. Shubman's gesture sent a wave of warmth through her, making every nerve in her body tingle with happiness.

Later, near the boundary ropes:

As Shubman walked back after getting out at 104, he found Adhira waiting for him. The cameras caught the passionate exchange as Shubman pulled her into a sweet but intense kiss. The boundary ropes shielded them from the immediate gaze of the crowd, but the cameras broadcast their moment of celebration.

Shubman, still caught up in the euphoria of the century, leaned in and whispered playfully in Adhira's ear, "Well, Coach, I guess dedicating a century to you brings out the best in me."

Adhira, with a teasing smile, responded, "Maybe I should request this dedication more often, Gill. You seem to enjoy it."

Shubman chuckled, "Anything for you, Adhira. Though, I must say, kissing you feels like scoring a six in the last over. Exhilarating!"

Adhira, feigning shock, replied, "Mr. Gill, are you comparing our kisses to a cricket match?"

Shubman winked, "Why not? Both involve skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. But kissing you, that's definitely a winning shot."

As they continued their playful banter near the boundary ropes, the cameras discreetly captured their flirty exchange. Fans watching the broadcast couldn't help but swoon over the couple's adorable and light-hearted connection, adding another layer of charm to the memorable day.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 05 ⏰

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