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Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitors

Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitors

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3 Months Later

𝙽𝚘𝚠 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐

𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚕 𝙵𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢

Hazel had the entire day to herself. Bashar, on the hand was touring New York. He had successfully sold out three concerts. Flying across the country, enjoying the lives of his fans in different cities while his fiancée stayed home, lost in her mind. Hazel could t understand how things had become so, distant between them. In the beginning he could barely keep his hands off of her. Now, he barely flicked a fingernail. Hazel felt abandoned once again. She didn't want to leave him but her feelings were invalid to him. At least that's what it felt like.

Hazels phone had an incoming call. She retrieved her phone from the arm of the chair. Checking the I.D. it was Bashar. Smacking her teeth. she derided not to answer. What was the point? He only seemed to call when he was around other people. An attention whore and for what? The call ended, but seconds later the screen lit again. Hazel once more, ignored his call. She didn't feel like talking nor arguing. She just wanted a peaceful day to herself.

Hazel was so caught up in mind most times, she barely had time to self pleasure herself. How could she when she was in a downpour in her relationship. Bashar felt that, spoiling her with gifts and dick every once in a while would solve their problems. Hazel didn't care about the gifts, all she wanted was quality time. That's it. Just the two of them. No cameras, no groupies, just them.

Hazel finished the laundry folding, and put the apparel away where they belonged. After, she showered and found something to snack one. She felt, lonely. A big house, that wasn't a home with puzzle pieces out of place.

Another call came through, sighing, Hazel checked her phone. Answering the call, she placed it to her ear. "Why the fuck do you keep calling me?" Hazel cursed, sensitively. She was agitated, wanting to be left alone.

"Damn, I can't call to check on you? What's up?" Bashar said, on the end of the call; and just like she suspected there were voices coherently heard in the background.

"Call me when your hoes aren't around." Hazel spat, hanging up. She placed her phone on silent and muted his contact.

Hazel slept peacefully with the sheets wrapped to her neck. It was cool in the house but her body temperature made her feel hot. There was loud knock at the door jolting Hazel from her slumber. Sitting up, she waited. The knock came again, she whipped the sheets back. Hazel slipped on her robe, and bedroom shoes. The continuous knocking was annoying.

"Excuse me, I said I'm coming!" She shouted. As she made her way to the front door, she could see the silhouette of an adult and a child. "I don't want nothing they selling. I don't even eat cookies for real." Hazel mumbled, rolling her eyes.

The door was unlocked, and she opened it. "Um, can I help you?" Haze asked, observing the small child and the female. The child looked to be about four years old. His hair tampered on both sides, with a curly top, and his ears pierced on both sides. He was a cutie. The mother looked a bit older. Her hair was trimmed into a pixie cut, half her body covering in body art. She held an expression of satisfaction with a threatening eyebrow.

"Maybe." She said, making her way inside, practically inviting herself inside.

"Ma'am, I don't what you may have got ahold of to be this bold, but I did not invite you in." Hazel spat, with a scrunched face. She was appalled at how rude this bitch was. Who did she think she was?

"Hazel, Hazel Hazel." The woman spoke. "Go sit down boy." The woman pointed. Hazel slammed her door closed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And how do you know me?" Hazel asked, confusingly. Also, being that she had been ripped from her slumber, wasn't making anything better.

"Who doesn't know you?" The woman chuckled, with a smile. She was amused.

"Okay, I'm done with the small talk. I want you to leave, now, and take your son with you." Hazel argued, opening the door again.

"What? You didn't even offer me a drink. That's rude." She snickered. Hazel didn't find anything hilarious. If it wasn't for that little boy siting on the couch, she would've been cleaning her fist from the blood this bitch would've been leaking from the mouth.

"Offer a drink? Drink bleach, I'm pretty sure it could clean the hyperpigmentation from your face. Get out! Now!" Hazel yelled, causing the little boy to jump. The woman stood there for a few more moments before calling her son to come along.

"Let's go, Jamari."The woman held her hand out for him to take. He slid off the couch to lock their hands. The woman never took her eyes off Hazel as she slowly made her way to the door. Hazel held the eye contact. She wasn't a scared of anyone, and this bitch was asking to get dragged.

As the two made their way out the front door. Jamari looked up at his mother. "You said we was going to see daddy today." He asked, in a defeated tone.

"I know baby, but he's not here." The woman said, looking directly at Hazel. She burst into laughter while they walked back to the car.

Hazel stood there stunned. Daddy? She slammed the door back, locking it. Her heart was thumping,  hot flashes, flashed throughout her body. What the bell just happened? Rushing upstairs, Hazel grabbed her phone to call Bashar. She waited for him to pick up but he never did. Typical Shark, not and we his phone when she needed to talk to him. She felt it was her karma from earlier when she had missed eight of his unanswered calls. When Hazel was getting ready to put the phone back down, Bashar was calling back.

"Hey mama-" Hazel didn't let Bashar finish his sentence before cursing him out.

"What fuck, haven't you been telling me? Huh?!" Hazel yelled, through the phone.

"What? What are you talking about?" Bashar asked, nervously. He was confused as to what Hazel was saying.

"You know what I'm talking about. Some weird bitch just came to the house with a little boy, and the boy asking about his daddy. You have a son?" The line went silent. "Hellooo!" Hazel continued.

"Hazel, I don't have no damn kids." Bashar retorted.

"Why are you lying to me? I am so tired of the lies, Bashar! You already don't come home, You're never home but for me to find out from someone else that you have child is insane! You can't even help me keep one but you out here making some with these groupie bitches now? That's what we're doing? Huh?" Hazel screamed, teary eyed.

"Hazel, I don't have no fucking kids with nobody! I'm not lying, and what bitch was it? What she look like?" Hazel scoffed. Bashar's day had just gone left and he couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"You know what, this engagement we have going on? I'm done. I'm done with you, I'm done with this house, and I'm done with this relationship." Hazel chuckled, hanging up. She plopped herself on the bed holding her head in her hands. How could things between them become so toxic? She felt like she was on the titanic. Everything so beautiful at  first but in the blink of an eye, everything had become to scary, causing a hectic panic.

Hazel began packing her bags while Bashar tried desperately to get back in touch with her. Hazel declined each call until she decided to block his number. In the midst of getting all of her belongings together she called her mom. She explained everything that was going on, and asked her mother if she could come back home. Coco agreed, being in the house all alone with the two children and a lazy nanny, she'd love for her daughter to come back. With how everything had hit the fan, Hazel desperately needed a break.


𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 [𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟸]Where stories live. Discover now