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Chapter 3: The Real Tea


Hazel and Harlow sat at the bar sipping their sex on the beach, while talking amongst each other. The lights were dancing along with the half naked adults, getting their grooves on.

"I don't know, Harlow. I don't know what else to do, say. Everytime we talk, I feel like we're arguing. Then having sex, it's like everything is back to normal." Hazel shrugged. Harlow observed her friend facial expression, and body language.

"Temporarily." Harlow replied, Hazel looked over at her friend while sipping her beverage. Harlow tried reading a second facial expression but she couldn't. Harlow knew how much Hazel loved Bashar. Things seemed to hit the fan after he was signed. Releasing two albums in a year. Touring the world, for in person affairs.

Deep down Harlow knew her friend was hurting. Already knowing that she was done but wanting to hold incase things may change. Maybe it was all temporary but so were relationships that weren't meant to be.

"Right." Hazel finally said, after a few pondering moments, thinking. She had lost a lot, her father being the biggest lost in the her life. No one had ever found the men that had taken his life. Leaving Hazel, and Coco with holes. The twins would never meet their father, hear his voice of authority, his laugh, anything. Just a family frame with a missing person, in the color of a blurred, shadow. To tops things, Hazel thought she was barren. Hazel felt like her body couldn't hold the children. What was really wrong?

"Wanna dance?" Harlow asked, trying to lighten the mood. Hazel hesitated for a moment. She really wanted another drink.

"Let's have three more shots, a piece, and then we can dance." Harlow lifted an eyebrow. Hazel was another level of confident tonight.

"It'll definitely help me get my mind off things." Harlow nodded, agreeing. Hazel smiled, calling the bartender over. She ordered them three shots of patron.

The man purred the three shots and they both counted, shooting them back. The bartender, watching with a smile.

Hazel noticed it, smiling back. The heat from the brown poison, skating all over her body. She was feeling good. "Y'all better, slow down." He laughed, wiping out a shot glass with a rag.

"Or what?" Harlow asked, batting her lashes.

"Oh, I'm not trying to ruin the fun. Just want y'all beautiful ladies," He said, looking directly at Hazel. "to be safe." He turned to placed the glass back on the shelf and slapped the rag upon his shoulder.

"Well on that note, let's dance bitch." Harlow laughed, snatching Hazel from the bar. The bartender laughed, before shaking his head.

The music was pumped and everyone was elated. People standing around vaping, and blowing smoke. Weed wasn't allowed, which was agreeable as long as the guest could vape.

Hazel and Harlow dry humped each other, trying their best to keep the creeps away. They wanted to make people think they were gay, to prevent them from being approached.

Of course that didn't stop them from crossing paths anyway. That froze if behavior, only triggered their happy, giving them hard standing ovation. A few musty men tried but the women only ignored them. Enjoying the presence of each other.

Another man approached Hazel from behind. His arms snaking around her torso. Hazel tried shrugging them off but he wouldn't let up. He forcefully grabbed her by the hips, trying to forcefully bend her over.

"I said stop!" Hazel shouted, doing her best to shrug off his sweaty embrace. He humped her backside, causing to break away from Harlow.

"I said, NO!" Hazel shouted louder. A few dancers had stopped dancing. The music was loud, but Hazel was louder. A few security guards, already moving through the thick hoard of people.

"Bro, the fuck is your problem?" A familiar voice shouted. Hazel looked to her left to the same bartender. He looked agitated.

"Man, this ain't none of your business." The culprit said, sizing up the bar attendant. He didn't even flinch, she stood his ground.

"Oh it is, you're in my club. The lady said to STOP, and you steadily harassing her!" He yelled, over the music. By this time alot of people had stopped dancing. It had become a domino effect, and eventually everyone was standing there, watching everything unfold.

"Yo fuck you! You tend to the bar, go make a drink or something, and get the fuck out of-" The two security guards had made their way through the crowds.

"What the problem, you good boss?" One of the men asked, looking between the two.

"I want this punk out of my club, now!" He replied, looking the man directly in the eye.

"Alright, you have to go." The security, grabbed the man as he began to fight them off. It was a struggle, they began to fight. Hazel stood back, her mouth covered. Harlow comforted her, rubbing her back.

"I think we should leave." Hazel said, ashamed.

"Absolutely, let's go." They didn't know what could happen next. Whether the man had a gun or not. They took the nearest exit, making their way through the hoard of guest. They held hands to stay together. Harlow pushed the door open, and they were welcomed to the outside.

"I'm gonna call Isaac, okay?" Harlow nodded. She didn't have much to say. She was uncomfortable and ready to be back home.

Isaac had arrived in fifteen minutes. The girls got in and he sped off. "You good, Hazel?" Issac asked, peeping at Hazel through the window.

Quietly nodding, she was drunk but she was still able to respond, somewhat. Isaac let her be, and soon, they were all back at home. Isaac helped Hazel inside, and upstairs to her bedroom. He gave her bottle of water he found in their fridge, and left.

Hazel signed, plopping herself on the bed. She lazily took her clothes off, and readied herself for a hot shower. A door slammed downstairs causing her to gasp.

"Baby!" Bashar shouted.

"Snitch." Hazel mumbled, removing herself from the bed. "Up here." Hazel said, walking to the bathroom.

"What happened at the club? You okay?" Hazel nodded, removing the top from the water to take a long drink.

"I'm fine, Bashar." Hazel didn't really want to talk about it but she knew Bashar wouldn't stop asking questioned until the problem was resolved.

"Nah, Isaac and Harlow told me what happened. You're not okay, baby." Bashar tried touching her, but she pulled away. He observed her backside to see two red thumb prints.

"You can go back to wherever you were. I'm fine." Hazel started the shower, and gathered supplies. Bashar couldn't understand why she was acting so distant after what had taken place.

"Hazel, I want to talk about this." Hazel whipped around.

"Well I don't. You're only here because it's an emergency, not because you want to be but because you had to be. If I'm not dying or bleeding out, you're not here!" Hazel yelled, a hard scoff right after. She looked over at him, walking over. Making sure to look him dead in the eyes, and make him listen to every word she was going to speak next.

"You're gonna wake up one day, thinking you have it all together, " Hazel said slowly, her eyes glistening. "and I won't be here. I won't tell you when, I won't tell why, because you already know. What you will know." Hazel said, promisingly, grabbing both sides of his face. "You will have lost. I will have given up, and you'll be all, alone." Hazels words ate through him so deeply. Infiltrating a bomb so deep, his ego would burst as a flew blown uterus. 

"Good night." Hazel removed her hands from his face, sashaying nakedly to the bathroom. Confident and satisfied with her wording. Not a threat, but a promise she had to keep to herself. Deep down inside, she knew he was going to fuck up.


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