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"Joo Jaekyung! Just like that, another win!"

"His performance today will be definitely something to remember!!"

Y/N stared down at her phone, swaying with the gentle movements of the train whenever it turned a corner. Jaekyung indeed, had won his match again. Y/N didn't know what to do. She wondered whether to text Jaekyung, congratulating him on his match or to just leave him and ignore him for now. She felt awkward even just thinking about the night before. She recalled how his stamina was insane, when he said that the night was young, he really meant it.

She couldn't help the slight crimson blush tinge her face as she remembered how he touched her, how gentle he acted toward her before fucking her roughly like she was his own personal fleshlight. Her pussy throbbed at the thought.

No. Stop. Y/N mentally scolded herself for thinking such lewd thoughts in that moment. She was in public, yet she was thinking like a horny teenager.

Her train came to it's destination, and as she got off and began to walk, her mind began to wonder what she would really do if things got tough for her. She could barely afford rent this month, she was looking at cheaper places with jobs nearby too. She desperately needed a place to stay since she would soon be evicted if she didn't pay her rent on time. Her landlord was a selfish prick, who couldn't care less about her financial situation and if anything, he would just increase the rent if he could.

Just then, Y/N felt her stomach grumbling. If made her realise she hadn't eaten in over a day. She had been too focused on other things. For Y/N, the past few days had just been a messy jumble of stressing, crying, fucking and worrying. She found a small convenience store, where she could sit and eat some shit budget meal that was the only thing she could afford. Her phone began to vibrate in her pocket, and as she grabbed it and looked at the caller ID, her eyes widened..
Joo Jaekyung.

"Y/N? Where are you right now? I feel like we need to talk."
Y/N explained shakily how she was on the other side of town, though Jaekyung didnt care much and a cab was waiting for her outside the convenience store in less than twenty minutes later, ready to take her to Jaekyung's place.

Once again, she found herself stood outside Joo Jaekyung's door, knocking softly.
"H-Hello Mr Joo.."
"Y/N. Come inside."
She hesitantly followed him inside, he beckoned her to sit opposite him at the table. Y/N couldn't deny she felt quite worried, his demeanour had changed, he looked stern, serious, and nothing like he had been in their previous encounter.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or pressured that night."
Y/N looked at Jaekyung, puzzled. He was apologising? He didn't need to apologise for anything..
"But Mr Joo-"
"I just feel the need to apologise, It's been on my mind recently and just makes me feel like a dick. I feel like I pressured you into having sex with me and I just want to get it off my chest and apologise for it, Okay?"

Y/N nodded, carefully considering her words.
"Jaekyung, you don't need to apologise for anything. If I didn't want it, I would have told you. I wanted it Jaekyung, trust me, I did."
The corner of Jaekyung's lips twitched up at that, his eyes staring adoringly into hers. After a few moments of silence, Y/N spoke.
"So then, tell me more about that Jinx of yours then. So you mean your infamous winning streak is only because of this?"

Y/N smiled at him, teasing him subtly while also being genuinely interested and wanting to understand more.
Jaekyung's face blushed as he began to speak about his Jinx, clearly sort of embarrassed.
"Well.. um it basically is what you think it is.. I-If i have good sex before a match, I win it. Um, and yeah I believe thats why I win.."

Y/N giggled softly, taking his hand in hers. "Well, I don't want to sound weird but I wouldn't mind helping you with your Jinx~ If you don't have anyone else, then just call me!"
Jaekyung's eyes widened but softened almost immediately. His face burned red at her confidence, and for some reason his cock twitched at her touch as she continued to caress his hand with her thumb.
"I-if you dont mind, Y/N. I did say that I can pay you for this-"
"No. You dont need to pay me Jaekyung.. I'm more than happy to help you."
"Well is there anything else I can do then..?"

Y/N averted her gaze for just a moment, thinking whether to bring it up or not,
"Well.. Um.. I-Im kind of short on rent and basically a job recently, I dont want it beg for money or anything but-"
"Stay at my place then, that is only if you want to..~"
"Sure. I dont really mind. And it helps especially if you're gonna help me with my Jinx~"

Y/N smiled, her hand clasping Jaekyung's tightly as she leaned over the table, kissing him softly.

"Thank you so much Jaekyung~ <3"



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