Chapter 14

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Cali and Dally didn't t fall asleep wrapped together in each other's arms because that's not how Calis life was. That's not how Dallas Winston was.He had got up huffing and muttering indirect insults and stormed out not only a minute or two after they had gotten comfortable and warm. Cali stifled a laugh like mad woman and stared at the ceiling. What was wrong with her? How could she have possibly thought she would just stumble into Dallas Winston's life and have him 'save her' and with no explanation. Have him cradle her with no second thoughts. Have him be kind and caring and loving. She was so fucking stupid and embarrassed that she had taken in his sent and buried herself away from any problems as she tucked her head in his neck. She was mortified. She was hurt but not for the reason's you would think. Dallas Winston had nothing to do with the tears that ran down her face as she put on her old convers. It had nothing to do with what had happened to her with those boys. It was the fact that she almost felt safe, warm, wanted, cared for. She felt like an old worn jacket that was fished from the dump and worn once more, only to be dropped on the street again. She thought 'maybe I'm not so worthless'. She hated herself most for the fact that if he had sat with her a minute longer she would have done anything for him. She was her mother all over for fucks sake. Cali quietly shut the door of the room behind her, a jacket belonging to Dally sat on her shoulders and the hood drooping over her head. She began her trek back to the motel still crying with a limp in her step and lump in her throat. Stupid fucking Cali Handson. Gullible fucking Cali Handson. Attention whore Cali Handson.
Sixteen year old Cali Handson.
Lonley and broken Cali fucking Handson.

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