Chapter 3

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They were still speeding down the road of Tulsa when Cali zoned back into her surrounding. She lay diagonally across the back seats facing the back rest. The seatbelt dug into her hip as she moved to look out the window to see the giant welcome sign. The smell of cigarettes hit her nose and she looked to the front of the car to see her uncle Lonnie barley focused on driving as he checked out a broad walking on the side of the road. Her loose jeans scraped the tarmac as she got out of the car with Lonnies permission that he had given her with a nod. They had stopped at a gas station called the DX as the car needed a top up on gas. He burned gasoline just as fast as he burned cigarettes with the way he drove.

They door opened with the chime of a bell and lonnie stopped in the open doorway just ahead of her. " You don't say nothin to know one ya understand. Keep ya shit to yourself to, I ain't buying you no crap". He stalked towards the counter unnecessarily brushing past young girls with loose swinging hands that swung with the purpose of ' accidentally' hitting their bodies. The girls were crowded around the counter, they looked around the same age as Cali maybe a year older.

She moved naturally towards the corner n brushed over some items n took her pick, stuffing a chocolate bar into her waste band hidden by the big white tee on her back.  She turned towards the magazines n caught eyes with a fella with hair slick to his head with grease or gel she couldn't tell. He said nothing and made no attempt to stop her as he wiped his hands in an old rag givin her wandering and suspicious eyes. She looked towards the counter as her name was called n then had to dodge coins flying her way. " get something cheap I gotta pay for something to piss". Her uncle disappeared into the back to the toilet n Cali picked up another chocolate bar, this one she was gonna pay for.

Most of the girls had cleared off and Cali dropped the bar n cash on the counter then leaned on it. She was still to take notice of the boy in front of her but was to distracted with the one that caught her, he was walking past her behind the counter with his coworker. " so you gonna pay for this one?" He smirked and winked. " ye why wouldn't I? I'm standin here aint i?" Cali gave a sly smile back. She looked to his name tag that read Steve. He squinted his eyes n just stared. A cough sounded from the other boy as he piped up "that's two nickles", only now did Cali look at him he had no name tag and smiled with dazed eye's looking down at her.
Well shit.    (writing underlined is Calis inner monologue and her thoughts).

She had defiantly been starring a second or two too long. She shoved coins further towards him. He stared down at her bruised knuckles n her picked at finger nails. 
" Cali move it I ain't got all day for fucks sake your waisting day light". Cali flicked her eyes between both boys n winks to neither one in particular turning on her heals n out the door leaving it left swinging open behind her.
"She was somethin" Steve cackled n skipped to the big window to see the beat up car peel from the garage.  " she sure was" Soda couldn't come out of a trance still starring at the door until Steve slapped his back. " she better be back did ya see it she was definitely winkin at me" Steve sang as he left back of to continue work. Soda scoffed at the cockiness of his friend. He really  hoped she would be back to.

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