Chapter 9

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Dally was a shit driver. Cali called him out the whole way there, telling him to slow down n go easy over bumps. Dally started to purposely drive mad, swerving onto the other side of the road like a crazy person in tears of laughter at her scolding. Johnny looked as if he was about to be sick as they pulled into the DX entrance. Cali recognised it " wait your friends work here? As in Steven n some other fella ?"
" Yea, it's Steve n Sodapop. Ya know the guys ya stole from not to long ago" Johnny laughed at the shocked look on her face. " Sodapop? What type a name is that?" Calis face scrunched up n they walked through the door into the garage. " Ask him yourself" Dally now had a bored look on his face as they walked towards the counter, any tells that he was just having a great time gone. "We'll shit. STEVE GET OUT HERE!" Soda called him in, laughing at her being back. Cali went red n hid behind Dally until he pulled her out from behind him smirking. Steve walked out n stopped in his tracks a grin spread on his face n he clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "Would ya look at that. Soda guard the chocolate bars their in danger."
Cali smiled n rolled her eyes as the rest of the boys laughed, he must have told them the story. She only just noticed the other boys she didn't know sitting on the counter.
" Well heya baby, I'm Keith Matthews but I go by twobit" he winked n Cali laughed. "Heya twoshit I'm Cali Hanson" Cali replied smiling knowing what she said was wrong but she wanted to annoy him. Two bit stopped laughing " no baby it's Twobit" he pronounced it more clearly this time. " Yea I said that, heya Twoshit I'm Cali" she put her hand out for him ti shake pretending to not understand. The rest held in laughs at the boys face. " That's one unusual name you have there, quite unfortunate aswell." He rolled his eyes catching on to what she was doing. " It suits ya twoshit. I'm Ponyboy ." Ponyboy smiled sheepishly n gave a small wave. She smiled and saluted him back. "What can I do for a fair maiden such as yourself" Steve walked up ready to mess with her when Johnny spoke up. " Guys this is Cali." "Wait THE Cali? I see what ya mean Steve" Two bit clapped Steve on the back n Steve went a bright red. " Alri leave her alone I don't think she has enough oxygen with all of ya standin on her toes like that" All of the boys scuttled back a bit at Sodas comment a tad embarrassed. Dally didn't care so he did the exact opposite and came up behind her where she could feel his breath in her ear and he dug his finger into her side"Oh please she don't mind none. Sure ya don't doll?". They all watched in concern as she whacked his hand away and turned and sat on the counter beside Ponyboy. " Normally I wouldn't but your breath smells so bad it's almost weakening". Dally kissed his teeth n smiled. Everyone waited on some crude comment back from him but it never came. Instead he looked her up n down n smiled bigger.
Two bit tried to move on conversation but Cali could still feel the smirk and stare from across the room. She gave in and looked towards it from the corner of her eye. Dally stood with Steve beside him talking in his ear and he looked as if he was paying no attention. There eyes connected and somehow his smirk got even bigger and she could tell she had boosted his ego and lost some type of silent challenge. She was pissed now. " What? What's your problem huh?" She barked across the room at him making everyone including a customer or two look at the commotion. " I ain't said nothin doll" his smirk dropped from his lips but not his eyes as a devilish stare grew in them. " Ya didn't need to fuck off starin at me" Soda hid his proud look. He had been staring at Dally as long as Dally had been staring at her, sizing him up. He was pissed, he knew she had caught Dallys eye but he was worried about Dally trying something on her.
" That's gonna be hard baby, ya might need to come over here n help me out maybe get my eyes rolled back a bit? Huh? That might help." Cali was fuming and jumped off the counter and stalked towards him. Two bit jumped in front of her before she her hand made contact with his face. Dally wasn't pissed to everyone's surprise. He stood silently watching her anger and struggle increase with lustful eyes. " Cut it out Dal, why ya picking on her?" Johnny calmly confronted his friend. Dally didn't look away from Cali. Cali now realised that she had felt the stare the second she walked out onto the road and it had never left, he hasn't taken his eyes off her for nearly the unfortunate hour and ten minutes she had known the boy, he was staring at her through the rearview mirror instead of watching the road most of the drive. "I ain't the one causing a scene JohnJohn all I was doing was simply lookin at something that caught my eye" he never broke eye contact with her. She went red in the cheeks and backed away. He smiled at her reaction to his words. This had two guys in particular pissed off and the rest of the gang uncomfortable. Dally picked up a pack of cancer sticks from a shelf not bothering to pay n turned and walked out the door. He looked back winked and just before the door shut he yells " see ya round doll face".
Cali scoffed and walked back to sit at the counter. " Sorry bout him, you okay?" Soda leaned on the counter from behind her. " Yea im fine he's just and obnoxious dickhead" Soda laughed at her name calling " yea that's Dall for ya. Don't worry he'll leave ya alone soon your new meat to him right now". Cali looked at his huge blue eyes " I ain't worried. Just pissed. Plus I got you to protect me right?" She smiled and bumped his shoulder with hers. Soda blushed and cleared his throat. " Oh yea I've got your back. I'd take him on any day" He winked and she laughed. " Alri I gotta go. You coming Cali?" Johnny called. " Yea I'm coming. See ya guys" "Bye Cali" they called back. " Bye gorgeous" Cali smiled at Two bits playful cheek.

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