Chapter 12

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TW contains sexual assault
A car sped by Cali on her walk back. It was pitch black dark and cold, only a few dimly lit, spaced out street lights lit the side of the road she walked on. She didn't here it coming as she was caught up in her thoughts. It only caught her attention when the red break lights shined in her eyes. The car reversed back at a slow pace, probably seeing her wary stare. She could her laughs and booming music coming from it. It stopped right beside her and she bent her knees to look in. Six teenage boys were packed inside and one rolled down the window. " Wassup baby you needa ride?" The smell of alcohol hit her nose the second the window cracked open just a small bit. The boy talking to her slurred his words and smirked looking her up n down drunkenly like the rest in the car did. Cali took a step back careful not to anger them. " Nah thanks I'm good" she put on her best smile and sweetest voice, though it took everything in her not to scream and mock in his face, she knew that she'd only make the situation dangerous for herself. " Come on baby it's an awful cold walk n my lap is awful warm" a boy in the back window spoke up. " I said no thank you" her voice lost all its sweetness n was now a clipped, clear tone. That made him smirk. He opened the car door and got out. He wasn't as drunk as the rest, Cali could tell he was walking and talking fine. Panic sirens went off in her head and she backed away. She went to turn and run but hand grabbed her jaw and the other around her stomach from behind. She screamed for help and kicked and scratched. He shoved her in the car onto the laps of the others then climbed in himself.
Tears blurred her vision as she kicked and screamed but no one heard. The road was abandoned.
Hands. Everywhere. She wasn't sure who's but they definitely weren't her own. They were rough and needy and wanted to cause pain. They gripped her trousers and pulled down reaching in touching her. Her thighs, stomach and in between. Another hand was down her shirt groping her breasts. She couldn't hear herself as she screamed out helplessly but she could here the laughter. It would be burned in her brain for the rest of her life. This has happened before but not like this. Her fathers friends that used to hurt and touch her never laughed or smiled. They knew what they were doing was wrong or they were to drunk and impatient to laugh and watch her struggle, they just got it done. These boys enjoyed watching her tears stream and watching her feet that feet kick fast as they hoped to meet solid ground and run fast and far. She gave up after the second guy had his turn. She stopped kicking and screaming she just lay quietly as possible and as still as she could. It would be over soon.
Something sharp and cold etched the delicate skin of her stomach just under her rib cage, Cali whimpered and squirmed as the held her down tighter. She felt something trickling down her torso and the sobs started again as more pain followed. A new trickle began running down her legs.
It was raining. Cali sat with her knees and hands touching the pavement, her head ducked downward between her shoulders. Her body wracked with silent sobs. They had dropped her out of the car where she didn't recognise, not to long after they made her bleed. Not her torso. That bled to but she could handle that. Her trousers had a small dark stain on the crotch and she couldn't move. She was sure she had a cut on her temple from when one of them shoved her up against the car door with force. Relief cradled her heart only to drop it and let it shatter, she could see a pay phone not to far from her but delusion wore off. She had no numbers to dial, no people to call that cared.
She got to her feet stepping around the puddle of vomit she threw up. Every step hurt. She got to the road and began to walk across. She was so dizzy. Everything was so bright. It's said that light travels faster than sound, so when two bright lights pierced through her skull she couldn't understand what was happening until the screeching sound hit her ear drums just before the car hit her weak frame.
Her vision was blurred as someone walked towards her and she stood still in defeat, begging them not to do what ever they planned to. They laughed out in a chipper voice" We gotta stop meeting like this". She didn't feel herself falling sideways, her body limp. Everything went a fuzzy black.

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