Chapter 17 - Ace of Spades

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We currently made the change that every Golden Gate Draught wound count would be mostly between 3k and 3.5k to ensure that the Rewrite schedule for Chronicles of the Two Powers wasn't disrupted. This means that there will be less content overall, but there will also be more updates, which can be helpful if the progress of the Chronicles is slowed down for any reason. Before this modification, for instance, each chapter of Chronicles had two chapters for rewriting and one new chapter for continuation. We would treat Golden Gates the same way, progressing and in real life, taking a month. I wonder why we have only released one chapter this year. We appreciate your patience as we make the necessary changes.



Capital Suarez, the kingdom of Gallimard

Months after the invasion of Capital Suarez.

Lindor 15, 679 BG | September 15, 2021,

1341 hours

In the sanctuary of the opulent cathedral, behind its massive doors that closed off these divine halls, people sought solace from the outside world through prayer, worship, and repose. The Northern Empire had achieved its aim of expelling the inhabitants of the southern continent after three hundred battles. What remained now, with the church gone, was nothing but rubble. With a purposeful stride, he moved toward the extensive mass of debris, directed by his commander, who sat alone in the cathedral, making his way toward the statue of the revered Man of God.

Cloaked in a voluminous robe, the man advanced slowly towards the capital, taking in the scene and observing the multitude engaged in prayer and slumber. Some prayed silently, while others wept. Despite their victory, it seemed more like a surrender, as they chose not to oppose the commander who had seized control of the castle.

Standing behind the commander, he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the statue. The weariness from the past fifteen days guarding a small castle was palpable. He mulled over the provisions from his vice commander, his expression unreadable.

"Fifteen days for such a minor capital?" he mused, his curiosity piqued. "I wonder what the high parliament was thinking, telling us to seize a kingdom that seems hardly worth the effort."

The vice commander grasped the captain's discontent with the situation, understanding how the defenders' calculated delay in sacrificing their soldiers appeared as a strategic move for imperial expansion. This motive had been underscored by the empress and the High Church's unyielding resolve to eliminate anything non-human.

"As for our forces," the vice commander reported, "we've determined that we lost approximately 3,100 men and a few pieces of artillery during the siege due to their use of magic to counter our advancements."

"It's understandable that these barbarians lack knowledge of cutting-edge technology. We owe gratitude to the deities for granting humanity an understanding of technological progress. It's prudent to inform your officers that we'll advance towards Elijah's borders once the imperial guard arrives. Meanwhile, ensure your regiment rests; we want everyone fresh to avoid any stragglers getting caught up in combat."

The captain respectfully acknowledged his commander's request, bowing in deference before receiving further orders, ensuring no information had been disclosed.

"Captain, there's more," the commander continued in a composed tone. "Duke Phihhena Dhikzotl has conveyed the need for your immediate presence at a meeting regarding the impending Elijah invasion in the camp."

Upon hearing his subordinate's request, the commander rose without saying a word as the captain respectfully waited for him to proceed. As they both stood and walked together towards the capital, the commander observed the ruins once more. It seemed a tragic waste for their troops to have perished for such a modest capital. Smoke lingered in the air, rising from the remnants of traditional buildings, while the debris-strewn landscape bore witness to the amassed casualties.

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