Chapter 4 - preparation

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The sea is calm and the weather is fair, The fog was thick, and no rays shone within the thick smog. A group of ships huddled around them the ships came of different sizes elves at the deck looked around with wyverns beside them looking around the at the haze, with 15, ships anchored within the deep water, many waited to have the main aspect to occur, as the ship leading upfront faced an endless mist, as a quick look beside them, two large old pillars, held on with nothing they were inquisitive in could be seen within these pillars. The pillars stood tall being taller than the ships they're aboard on, and with some elven sailors dumbfounded by the mere size of the pillar, and some looked below the deck to see this such pillar, with the leading ship posing between the pillars, the hooded mage stand alone with her staff holding many different artefacts with robed mages behind the elder, hold each other between together eyes shut, with them chanting behind the elder as she held on her staff pointing in front of her. Holding it with both arms, she could hear the clunking sounds from the artificial within the top part of the staff immediately begin to ring around her as she closed her eyes to chant out her words.

"Our great one!! For I must be in the humble request to open the greater portal to enter a realm, for I must seek the realm for this greater nation who I must ask for their humble aid!"

"This nation is nothing before, for my people will ask their unpretentious nation for their support for arms as my nation and its people around would be in grave danger! If not done fast!"


"This nation is called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!"

The elder after and many of the mages behind her slowly opened their eyes, to see nothing but the endless mist all around, many mages around were too confused by the situation and some looked at each other remembering didn't mess the chant; while some looked each other turmoil, the elder knee down with setback, began to think that the chant she prepared didn't work as she plans and looking back at the many naval ships waiting along she felt a sudden defeat was allotted after the chanting did not function as she hoped.

As she tries to get up, the sudden shake begins to occur around the fleet with many sailors and mages huddling around several expecting some kind of sea monster attack, with weapons armed, the elder didn't bother as gazed at her side she watches in amazement with the pillars in begins to extend out with both heading on a different direction, she smiles and looked behind to see many too awestruck on the scene they looked upon, as an instant flash soon appears in front of them as the bright white light blinds many of the sailors. Gradually opening their eyes, the amazement from the sight was beholding for many of the sailors and the mage too soon smiled at the sight they were able to see, as the path was clear to enter, the mage looked back to see the captain standing beside her and the only thing she can do was be surprised the like others.

"What you are looking at, the captain is what they call. The americans!"


The royal throne of Elijah.

3 days ago.

August 12th, 678 AD. 

With the capital being in different situations many within the walls, soon began to enlist while others left as the reports of the many towns and villages from the kingdom of Gallimard begins to fill up and having this news wasn't having it, at the southern gate which heads towards the port town, the walls inner gates got themselves traffic as nobles and poor people within their wagons rushed in quickly with many of the guards having a hard time. Even if the people fled, many remained as some soon initiated to enlist with many expecting an adventure and victory on this so-called "victories less war"

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