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6:23 am

I woke up by my alarm with a headache. Felt light-headed and dizzy as I tried to get up from the bed. Around me there were black walls, paintings, a work desk, and a massive closet.

I placed a hand on top of my head as I got up from the bed and walked into another big room. I was barefoot so my feet were freezing cold from the cold floor. After a few steps into another room, Blake stood in front of the kitchen, cooking.

"Good morning." I said from across the room when he turned to look at me. "Good morning, Aurora." he smiled at me. He already had his blue baggy jeans and hoodie on and I could smell his manly scent from here.

"I have a spare toothbrush and toothpaste you can use in the bathroom and we'll go buy you clothes to wear to school." He said as he was mixing something on the pan. "Okay." I said quietly before leaving the room and going to the bathroom.

After I finished doing everything, I went back to the kitchen to find Blake sitting on the dining table. I sat on the chair in front of him and stared at the breakfast plate in front of me. Bacon and eggs and a glass of water. "This looks good." I smiled at him.

"Enjoy, Rory." He chuckled. I choked on my water as I was taking a sip. Rory The nickname gave me flashbacks. I hadn't been called that since I was twelve years old. Usually my mom used to use it.

Blake's eyes widened when he noticed I choked. "Are you okay?" he said with worry in his voice and face. "I'm okay." I laughed at his face. "It's the nickname."

He smirked. "You don't like it?" he said.

"No,I really do, It's just that no one has used that nickname for me since I was a kid."

His eyes softened. There was silence the whole time as we ate breakfast.

After we finished eating we decided to go to the mall to buy some clothes for myself to wear to school. I felt ridiculous walking around, wearing Blake's clothes in which I had slept in.

"I look so bad." I chuckled.

"You do not." Blake said as he scanned the whole mall, his hand on my back, directing me. He had a black cap on so I grabbed it and put it on my head.

"Hey!" He laughed as he slid his hand through his messy hair. "I'm sorry, I need it." I giggled.

He muttered something I didn't hear. We kept walking when I came across a big mirror. "Let's take a picture here." I said as I stood in front of the mirror and grabbed Blake's arm so he was beside me. I pulled my phone out and took a couple of pictures, all in which I did different poses.

I took a look at the pictures. "How do you look so good meanwhile I look rough."

He smirked. "Send me those."

My eyes widened. "No way that's happening."

"Why not?"

"Because I look bad."

"You don't need to try to impress me with your looks." He said. "I think you look beautiful." He towered over me. Without saying anything else, I sent the pictures to him.

I cleared my throat. "Anyway, let's keep looking."

His smirk got wider as he followed me in another store.

I walked into it and picked up tights, a black leather mini skirt, a brownish sweater and a pair of boots.

"Alright, I'll go pay." I said as I walked towards the cashier.

"It's already paid for, miss." The girl working there said.

"What?" I said and noticed she started looking at Blake. I turned to him to find him smirking. These smirks. "Blake-" He interrupted me. "Go try them on. I'm waiting."

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

I turned around and walked into a changing room and put the clothes on. I tried to fix my hair by putting it down and brushing it out with my fingers. When I was done, I stepped out and made instant eye contact with Blake from afar who wad still leaning against the wall. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. He scanned every part of me as if he got paid for it. I started walking towards him while still holding eye contact.

"What do you think?" I spun around in front of him. His expression was unreadable. He looked at my legs. "Blake." I waved a hand at his face.

He snapped out of his thoughts. "You look nice." He smiled. "Thanks." I said and smiled back at him.

"Let me hold that for you." He pointed at his clothes that I was holding and I handed them to him.

"Thank you for the clothes but I don't understand why we came here when I could've just picked clothes up from my place." I looked at him when we got into the car.

"Take it as a gift from me." He chuckled while turning the car on.

"Thank you." I turned to him.

"Of course, Rory."

He drove to school and we both went to class together.

Rory is crazy

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