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3:42 am
I was in some deep shit. I had broken a fucking stranger's phone at 2 am in the morning now i have to follow him like a dog. After walking around for a while with him, i returned to my dorm and immediately threw up. I felt sick to my stomach for many reasons. Blake Volkov being one of them.

Blake had given me his number last night to his old phone and added that he would call me whenever he "needed something". Long story short i was basically his slave now. To survive his extra requests, I decided to ring him up instead. Anyways, I needed something to keep my mind off of all my life problems at the moment.

I wrote his number down on my phone and called him. After a few rings, he answered and suddenly i couldn't think and i couldn't remember why I called him.
"Hello?" He screames at his broken old phone. "Hey, It's Aurora." I said quietly. For some reason i felt small and weak around him.
"Aurora who? I know like hundreds." He said and i heard him chuckling through the phone.

How many other Auroras does he know? Or has he been with? Does he just talk to different girls everyday? Maybe this is a bad idea.

I swallowed. "Aurora Rose," I stuttered. "From last night?" My cheeks get red for no reason.
"Woah woah wait. You can't just word it like that and expect me not to block your number." He chuckles again. What the hell is he on about?

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice.
"Chill. I was just joking. Are you always this serious?" He asked as if he genuinely cared. I stayed silent.

"Anyway. Why'd you call me, Aurora?" His voice somehow got quieter, raspier, deeper. The way he said my name in a questioning tone made me feel so... much?

"Well, I was just wondering if you were free to hang out, yk, for fun?" I stuttered more and more every time i talked to him.
"Right now?"
"Well I have to get ready first," I cleared my throat. "Maybe in an hour?"
"Sure. Where would you like to go?" He asked. So soft but so harsh.

"A library, maybe?"
"Library it is. See you Aurora."
I hung up the phone without saying anything back. I mean, he had to go easy on me now, right. I'm being friendly and nice.

I put on a a white off the shoulder sweater and pair it with some blue flare jeans and a pair of uggs with a jacket over. A long with my silver jewellery and white headband. I had waited so long for the weather to get colder and it is finally happening. Sweaters, hot chocolates, christmas movies are back and i've never been happier. Especially since my birthday was in a few days. I had never properly celebrated my birthday. Either my parents were busy or we were too low on money to do anything. But the idea of growing up and becoming more mature always made me forget about any problem that ever happened in any birthday of mine.

After a couple of minutes i decided to start walking to the library. Walking to anywhere in winter never bothered me. I could walk 50.000 miles and after i'd be done i would still want more. Need more. The smell of coldness, fresh cookies from bakeries. I lived for it all. As i walked, i felt a large presence walking right behind me.
"We meet again, Aurora Rose." He whispered in my ear.
Shivers shivers shivers
I should not be reacting like this over this man. I should just do my job and nothing else. Seriously, how does he do this?
"Hey." I said awkwardly but still leaned forward to give him a hug. He was wearing a black hoodie, grey sweatpants, a black jacket over, and some white nikes. My breathing stopped when i felt his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me so close and so tight it felt like he was going to crush my bones with his bare hands.

I gave him a light tap on the shoulder to let him know that he's suffocating me and he pulled away while laughing.

"I swear I wasn't even hugging you that tightly," he cut himself off with his laughs. "Seriously, how weak are you?" he chuckles and i couldn't help but join him.

We walked into the library and both picked out different books and sat down.
"We should come here everyday, same time." He randomly confessed.
"Sure," I agreed. "I like libraries. Me and my little sister, Stella used to spend a lot of time in them, especially during winter." My eyes connected with his. His gaze softened.
"Stop or you'll make me feel bad and forgive you about the phone." He joked and I burst out laughing.

A few hours passed of just us talking and reading. I told him all about my life, which was something no one should do with a guy they just met a day ago, but blake surprisingly felt... safe and comforting? I told him all about my family, feelings and what i plan on doing in the future. He also told me all kinds of things and boy was i wrong about him. He wasn't the sweet, innocent guy i thought he was, but I don't want to start that conversation about him at all.

I soon figured out that we go to the same university and that he had seen me in a lot of our lectures but obviously I didn't notice him at all. 
Blake Volkov
Blake Volkov
Blake Bolkov
I tried to think of a time i had heard of that name and no memories came at all.

Soon, Blake and I said bye to each other and he returned to his dorm, which turns out to be the one right next to mine.

Blake is such a stalker ( green flag)

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