Camp Fear

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On a moonlit, rainy night, the Rust Bucket drives through the mountains, where inside both Gwen and Ben start arguing about their party, which slowly annoys both Y/n and Grandpa Max.

Ben: "Change it!"

Gwen: "No way! You change yours!

Ben: "It's your turn!"

 Gwen flipped through a book of preparations as she wanted her birthday to be perfect.

Gwen: "Sorry, but I already picked the cake, color-coordinated the balloons, and sent the invitations! By the way, here's yours."

She hands both Ben and Y/n each with a card. Y/n took a look at her card but she saw something she didn't expect. The card was written in some type of language that she didn't understand. 

ꀷꊿꃔ'ꋖ ꋖꌅꁲꃔꈜꊯꊿꌅꂵ 

Y/n blank for a moment and the written text was gone. She puts her attention to the cousins as they are arguing again.

Ben: "Ugh! Who plans her birthday party six months in advance?"

Gwen: The one who gets to celebrate it on her actual birthday this year...?!

Ben takes his sock off his foot and puts it on the table to rub it better.

Ben: "I don't think so. Grandpa promised he'd take me for laser tag for my birthday."

Gwen: "But you can't miss my party, Grandpa!"

Grandpa Max: "Now you two have shared the same birthday for ten years, and if you don't stop arguing, neither of you will make it to eleven! Here, Ben, try this on your foot. It gets rid of all kinds of fungus." 

He tosses Ben a yellow powder bottle, which Ben reads Athlete's foot powder.

Ben: "Athlete's Foot Powder? Well, I am an athlete!"

Gwen: "More like an athletic supporter, if you ask me."

Ben shoots Gwen a look and sticks his tongue out before continuing to apply the powder to his shoe. As Max drives, a young boy in a camp uniform stumbles onto the road, holding his arm. He shouts as the RV's headlights catch him.

Camper: "They're coming! Heeeelp meeee!"

Max sees him and slams down on the brakes, though it might not stop in time.

Ben & Gwen: "Grandpa!"

A random person pulled the camper away from the road before the Rust Bucket was about to crash. The camper eventually fainted from the near-death experience. They all get out of the Rust Buket and see the camper in the arms of another camper with an orange beanie. Y/n stands there in shock as she doesn't remember this character being here. 

Grandpa Max: "Are you guys alright?"

The orange beanie camper: "Yes, we are alright!"

They brought them inside the Rust Bucket and the camper laid on his back while Grandpa Max checked for injuries.  

Grandpa Max: "Just a few scrapes and bruises, that's good. But he's out cold."

Gwen: "His name's Gilbert."

Ben Whoa! How'd you know that?

Gwen: "Women's intuition."

Grandpa Max: "That, and he's wearing a name tag."

Grandpa Max reveals the tag underneath a rag around Gilbert's neck. He turns his attention the the camper with an orange beanie. 

Grandpa Max: "What are you guys doing at this time off night?"

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