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Our packs have been at war for as long as I can remember. Yeah I'm only sixteen but still, they have been going at it since long before I was born just four years ago things got worse we Dimitri Blake Darkwood beat the shit out of my brother Jackson Mason Dagger. I mean Dimitri almost killed him.

My name is Natalie Rose Dagger. I'm the youngest child of Alpha Luke Dagger and Luna Ana Dagger. My father used to be obsessed with Dimitri's mother, Luna Jessica Darkwood but his father Alpha Cole Darkwood put a stop to that.

I guess that's what's started the feud but Dimitri only made it worse because of a grudge he couldn't let go. There's nothing he hates more than a Dagger and I can tell you that from experience I mean hell, we go to the same school.

Oh and there's something else you should know, Dimitri is my mate. I just haven't told him yet. We've know each other our whole lives but ever since what happened ten years ago, Dimitri hasn't been the same.

I can still hear my dad giving the order to that alpha and six of his hunters to go and cause a little trouble in Darkwood territory since my father hates Alpha Darkwood so much.

I remember watching them all kissing their mates goodbye but none of us knew what would happen. None of us knew they would never come home.

That made the feud intensify until Dimitri caused the war. To this day I can still see the boy I love holding my brother who was to years older than him ate the time over his head shouting that war has started and he will kill all Daggers on top of the school before throwing my brother.

Lucky for Jackson he had some boys to catch him but that's when the Darkwood boys attacked. It also didn't help that eleven year old Eliza Darkwood, Dimitri's precious baby sister went missing the exact same day.

No Dagger or Darkwood has seen her since. Both sides still look for her since she was such an angel and both sides adored her. My one wish is that one day this war will be over and I can finally be with Dimitri.

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