Chapter Seven

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We walked through the door hand in hand to find William waiting on us. I basically ran into him before finally stopping and staring up at him.

"Your father has called a meeting on neutral territory, pack to pack." I gulped.

"When?" I said.

"Now." he replied. Cole nodded and lead me outside. I was in shock as he undressed me behind the barn and I shifted. He shifted along with me as the sun set in the distance. I noticed as we walked that slowly Darkwood pack members were filling into the neutral territory and in the distance I could smell the familiar scent of my old pack.

"Long time no see." my father called through the mind link. Cole instantly moved me behind him as we walked to make sure my father couldn't get close to me.

"What do you want?" Cole growled. I noticed more and more of my father's pack were starting to surface and it made me a little uneasy.

"My daughter." My father said. A sharp pain filled my hip. I cried out in agony and collapsed as my vision went fuzzy. Standing over me Cole guarded before a red wolf knocked him away and I blacked out.

Cole's POV

I lost if and lunged for her father just as out of no where, Luke Dagger slammed into me. Alpha Dagger was fighting with my father as Alpha McKnight attacked me. I watched helplessly as Luke grabbed Jessica by the gruff of fur on the back of her neck and drug her away.

"No." I cried out as Dagger pack members in human form came and gave her another shot, turning her to her human form and wrapping a rob around her. They lifted her lifeless body onto Luke and he took off.

"Now good luck getting her back." Alpha McKnight yelled as I lost all control. My jaw bit into his throat and slung him away from me as I took off after Luke but it was no use. They were long gone.

"Retreat." My father called as we all turned back. A pain filled my heart as we ran just like a longing feeling for my sweet sweet Jessica.

Jessica's POV.

I woke up just as the sun was starting to set. A black silk night gown hung loosely around me as I was held down by restraints. I pulled at the leather straps but it was no use. A door creaked open and in walked Luke.

"Glad to see you are awake love." He said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I growled, starring deep into his hazel eyes.

"Let me go." I hissed.

"No can do. We still have two weeks until the next full moon." He said while getting up and looking out the window.

"What does a full moon have to do with this?" He just laughed which aggregated me more.

"I can change your mark then." I went pale as Luke walked back over and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Get away from me." I hissed. He just started laughing and I spit on him. That's when he reared back and slapped me. My face burned from where his hand connected and blood escaped from a cut on my lip.

"Don't you ever do that again. Do you hear me?" He hissed, holding my face to look at him. I nodded as he shoved my head back words.

"I hear you." I whispered weakly. He smirked as he slid his hand under the night gown.

"Now you need to make up for it." He said before ramming his pointer finger inside me. I cried out in pain. As he took his finger out and undid his pants as slipped them off. I squeezed my legs as tightly as I could together as he climbed on top of me before sticking his head up under my night gown.

I felt his hot breath against my entrance as his tongue traveled inside and he started to eat me out. I moaned since I couldn't hold it back as he climbed off of me and pulled back on his pants.

"Maybe another time." he laughed and left. Tears burned my eyes as I screamed. All I wanted was Cole. I wanted him to she me and take me home.

"Cole." I screamed. Tears started streaming down my tears as I pulled against the restraints. I wanted out of here so bad I couldn't stand it.

"Somebody. Anybody. Help me." I screamed through my tears. Finally a lady came in and loosened my restraints so I could eat. Lucky for me I was given a steak. I tucked the knife under my pillow after I finished as a different person came and got the tray and tightened my restraints.

As I lay in bed that night I pushed away my pillow and grabbed the knife in my mouth before tossing it to my right hand and began cutting through the leather strap. After what felt like forever it broke and I got to work on the left then the right ankle then the left ankle. Once finished I got up and opened the door.

The halls were clear as I ran down them, tuned down another hall until I found the foyer and slipped out the front door. Dogs howled as I ran across the back hard and to the stables. Horses bickered softly as I opened the stall door to a bay thoroughbred stallion and put on his riding bridle before leaping on him bare back.

"Hai. Hai." I yelled, kicking his sides. The racing stallion took off and into the woods. My mother had taught me to ride when I was little and lucky for me the Daggers raised racehorse. The one I sat a top now was name Scooting Six so I could only hope I wasn't caught.

The horse thundered beneath me, leaping over falling logs and anything else in his path as we ran towards the neutral territory.

"Come on boy." I praised as we continued, not slowing down at all but feeling as if we were. Finally the canyon jump came into view as I nudged Six harder. He was running as hard as he could then sprang into the air. It felt as if we were flying until he landed and continued running when I heard a low growl before Dagger wolves were running behind me.

"Don't harm my horse." Alpha Dagger growled as we ran. Six pranced a little before gaining his rhythm again and racing forwards.

"Come on boy. Hai. Hai." I screamed aloud as the Dagger wolves surrounded me. Six was starting to become covered in sweat, breathing a little harder than I would want.

"Stop her." He yelled just as the territory line for Darkwood came into view.

"We are almost there boy." I shouted as I kicked him hard. Six started given me everything right until he took off. We landed with ease but I could tell he was spent. Six took off in a slow gallop before I reined him to a stop. More and more Dagger wolves lined the canyon in neutral territory.

"This isn't over." Alpha Dagger growled through a private mind link.

"But it will be soon." I said aloud. With that I turned Six and took off trotting towards the main rode, listening to Alpha Dagger's growls behind me.

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