Chapter Sixteen

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I sat in the floor working on the last part of the mural in the nursery. I had been working on it for the last three months and now I was almost finished. Completely around the room as a forest with baby animals and their mothers peeking out to see what was there.

Against the left wall was the changing station. The crib sat against the left wall. A dresser sat on the right side of the door and a closet in the left wall just beside the door. An old wooden rocking chair sat by the window directly across from the door in the center of the wall with a window set.

I sighed, thinking about how soon my son would be here. Dimitri Blake Darkwood. I was more than excited to met him just like his father was. The thought of Cole mad my heart ache. Cole had been gone a month and a half to our pack in Europe, leaving me and Sam to run the main pack.

I hadn't been much help considering I was blown up like a water balloon so William and my father had stepped in while my mother and Jasmine moved in to help Nancy and I with the baby preparations.

"Knock knock." my mom said as I stood and stepped back.

"I'm finally finished." I said with a smile. My mom looked around the room and smiled.

"This place looks amazing. You did great honey." I smiled as we left the room and Nancy hurried in to clean up the paint and anything else that didn't belong.

My mother supported me as we walked down the stairs which had become my biggest enemy now that I was as big as I was. Finally I got to sink into Cole's favorite chair and wrapped his blanket around me, taking in his faint scent that still lingered on it's soft cloth.

"Luna Darkwood." Sam said, walking in being flanked by two guards who came to stand at attention behind her. I sighed.

"Why can't you call me Jessica?" I groaned in annoyance since I knew the answer.

"Because, Luna Darkwood, I am duty right now. I am your beta and it is disrespectful." I rolled my eyes.

"Just give me the report." I hissed.

"Dagger members spotted on ex McKnight territory yesterday found and despite your wishes were killed by unwarned soldiers of ours. Novices. Won't be missed. Six rogues spotted on the Canadian boarder as well. Again, all killed." I stood and slapped her. Sam made no move.

"I told you that no one was to be killed until Cole was home and the council could meet." I growled lowly. Sam couldn't meet my eyes. She knew I was just moody and I didn't mean to hit her she so didn't fight back.

"I'm sorry Luna Darkwood. We have the ones responsible for the acts under close supervision. Would you like them put in pack custody?"

"No. Have me my horse ready. I am going to the main house." I barked at Nancy.

"Luna Darkwood. Six is at the main house for training. Remember?" Nancy whimpered.

"That is alright. I will carry Luna Darkwood. Five minutes my lady." Sam said and disappeared with her goons. Minutes later she howled an I walked out. Carefully I got onto her back and she stood, taking off towards the main house.

Sam moved easily, taking extra precaution not to make a big bounce or anything to discomfort me. I clung to her as she slow ran towards the main house, rocking me in her back. Soon we were in front of the main house. A women ran out of the house, draping a red and black cloak around her. Sam shifted back and hooked up the cloak.

"Where my father and William?" I asked her as my mother climbed off one of Sam's goons while James did the same.

"He upstairs in his office." Sam said, taking off into the house. I followed behind her and took the elevator we had installed for a few disabled pack members.

My father sat at his desk, glasses perched on the edge of his nose, writing something down when we entered. I sank into a leather arm chair, staring at my father and waved Sam over.

"Go get William." I ordered. Sam nodded and left the room. "Both of you leave. I only need father, his beta, William, his beta and my beta for this one." My mother and Jasmine nodded and left the room as my fathers beta walked in and stood behind him.

Soon Sam was back with William and his beta. Sam took a position behind me as William sat on the couch with his beta behind him.

"Luna Jessica." William began. "Why have you called this meeting?" I sighed, resting my hand on my bulging belly.

"The baby is due soon and Cole still isn't back. He was only suppose to be gone a month. He has been gone a month and a half, almost two."

"He should be home soon princess." My father said. I glared.

"Cole will not contact me. Has he contacted any of you." William immediately shock his head so I knew he was lying.

"Ex Alpha Darkwood, lying to me is not a good idea. Ex Beta Leon, answer truthfully to your Luna. Has Cole contacted Ex Alpha Darkwood in any way."

"Yes madam. He contacted yesterday to check on you. We still do not know when he will be home."

"Liar." Sam said just as the last word left Leon's lips. Sam sprang forwards, growling and snarling. "Speak the truth immediately or you will be put into custody." She growled.

"He should be home in three days with his beta and the team he took. Everything was taken care of in Europe." I nodded, leaning back in my chair.

"Anything else I should know?" I said, rest my hand on my stomach.

"No." my father hissed. Sam growled as stepped forwards but I pushed her back.

"Let's go home Sam." With that we stood and left.

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