Chapter Five

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"What are you doing here?" I growled aloud even though he could only speak through the link.

"Dad sent me to pick you up. Let's go." he growled.

"No." I said but he lunged and gripping my arm in his jaws. I screamed out in pain.

"Let go." I cried, beating my free hand on his muzzle but he just took off. Blood just kept dripping to the ground as tears burned my eyes.

"Oh and nicely down natural hair." he said, walking a little faster. I felt like he would rip my arm right our of socket.

"Cole." I screamed at the top of my lunges but it was no use. We hadn't created the bond. I wasn't marked. We weren't an officially mated pair. He wouldn't hear me.

"Shut up." growled another wolf, gripping my other arm. I screamed again, the pain to real.

"Cole." I cried as we continued walking. My brother sank his teeth deeper until I hard my none crack. I knew once I shifted it would all heal but I had to get away first.

"Shut up our I will hurt you even worse
than that." He growled as I screamed.

"Jacob let go." I cried, tears streaming down my face. Blood was streaming down my arms now. I needed to shift to heal. Black dots started forming in my vision until I lost control. My wolf burst out of me as I fought to gain control. I shifted back from a half shift, luck I didn't rip or ruin my cloths.

"Do that again and you will be sorry."
My brother said as I collapsed. I felt like I was picked up and soon felt his fur beneath me as we walked.

"Cole." I was whispered but to weak to fit back.

Cole's POV.

She's gone and in trouble. My wolf called to me. I shot up in my chair and threw a pillow at Marcus, Jacolby, and Jason.

"Those McKnight wolves are looking for trouble." I growled before running outside and shifting. Anger filled me when I smelt her blood.

"I'll kill them all." Marcus growled. I caught sight of the others behind us, howls filling the air as more and more shifters joined in.

"Those wolves are gonna be sorry." Called Jason. I glanced at my beta Marcus as he ran. I trusted him with my life and now the life of Jessica. This was my fault. I got so mad over Sam that I pushed away my mate and now she is hurt.

"I just want her safe. Once we get Jessica everyone fall back until my father's forces catch up." I called, leaping into the air. We had been running for a few house now and just leaped onto the northern end of neutral territory. We were close. I could smell her scent very close until I was right on top of it. I picked up her night gown and looked around.

"She is shifted sir." Marcus said as I dropped the shirt.

"I see that." I growled, frantically searching for her. A breeze blew in from the south west and I caught her scent and boy was she close. I exploded into a clearing to see her fighting with other wolves. I lunged in, taking down one wolf she was fighting with. She was weak, I could see that as she collapsed and shifted back. Jacolby rushed forwards and covered her with a blanket enforce helping her into my back as I took of towards home. We out numbered them greatly.

"Keep fighting." I called as Jacolby, Jason and Marcus joined me. My father passed by as I leapt over onto our territory.

Hours later I was laying her into bed. The sun was beginning to rise but she was weak. I laid down beside her, pulling her to me and holding her lifeless like body to me.

"Please wake." I said, kissing her forehead before picking her up and taking her to the bathroom. She laid in the floor as I ran a warm bath and sat her in. I began to was her body and her hair, cleaning her wounds that didn't heal completely our happened from her fall.

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