-𝐎𝐇𝐑𝐖 - 𝐒𝐂;𝐏𝟐: 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭?

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(HI YALL, so this is the part 2 and 2 more parts are coming in this christmas chapters idk what else to say tbh anyways enjoy the storyyy!!!!!)

On the next day, the group got ready in the afternoon and drove into the factory that they're supposed to get something in there which a person's object is stolen and cannot live christmas without it. Will they either be free or locked up in christmas?

"I am not really sure if I can trust this mission together with christmas." Ivy said. "Same, I mean no hate to the person who got stolen their item but who would keep an object and lose it and now you can't live without christmas or everyday in your life? Is it supposed to be a lucky charm though? And how did it end up in a factory?" Lex questioned and replied.

"To be honest I don't even know too, I really have a question for our boss too but I couldn't think of it earlier. I don't know why he didn't gave us a full explanation for our mission. And they could just postpone it to another day." James said. "I don't also trust this mission too, It feels uncomfortable plus missions are always giving a full explanation so that the thieves can fully do it and understand on what to do." Liam muttered.

"Here we are...Hmm...It feels abandoned to be honest but still works and I'm guessing there are also workers here. I think it's better inside, let's just follow through the mission." Ivy said.

They went inside and they were shock that there happens to be employees working still. They all just thought that the factory was made at the old 19th century or something. But their expectations came into reality.

"I guess it's not that bad. It probably has created during the 19th century or waaay older than that." Lex said. "Let's just not get caught and try to get the item." Liam said. "Wait but did sir say anything about the item like the looks of it or the name? I'm just gonna say that we are just gonna find the target and just give it to the person." James confronted in confidence. "But he didn't also say anything about the person or address? Nor texting his or her information." Lex replied. "This mission is too mixed up, because how would we know the person that we are supposed to save it's lives and get this over with." She said.

"I honestly don't know or anything too. I don't feel safe around it too. Plus I also don't feel anything safe about this mission, It has no info about the person, how the hell we are supposed to do this mission controllably and accomplishing it together." Ivy's face went into a serious one. "Let just have a plan first before we get caught and get trouble again." James said. "Let's try splitting in duos, me and Lex will go and Ivy and Liam will go together." He said. "Also how many floors does this have? I mean it's a factory." He questioned.

Liam checked on his scanner on his arm and said, "About...18 floors." "Well, that's many floors, how are we supposed to get the item in time? The sun is about to go down after we find or not find at all? Splitting in duos is not a great sign for us. We will get loss. Let's just stick together and try not to fight over directions like which or where." Ivy said. "I also think we have a higher chance that we will get locked up in here. We don't have that much info on how this factory works or where the target is. Like c'mon, 18 floors? Those 18 floors gotta be having a billion different rooms and once we find the target in one room in one floor, we don't even know if that one's it on that one since we don't have that much info around here." She replied.

"Did sir say that this is a mixed mission? I mean yeah not the great time to steal since we are on the good times right now, but I think the valuable we think the objects around this factory is supposed to be our target or a higher chance that we wasted our time for useless objects." Lex said. "Well what floor should we start first? There's like 18 floors and I think we just start off with the most important floor or commonly that targets are usually placed in." Liam said. "How smart is this factory? I mean they would not place the most valuable things to this factory in the most commonly levels or rooms." Ivy replied.

"Let's recall from our past missions and say what floors did we find our targets. And after that if we say the same floor over and over again it will the most common one but if we say the rarely said floor it would be the most important one or we just spent our time on nothing." James said. "Let's go make some objects that will help us go in the spamming floors." He said.

They found tools that they would help them on the tall factory and office. A rope created with sturdy wheat, super glue, and a hook on it's end. A blacklight including a flashlight made into 4 for each thieve. The blacklight for fingerprints and for the flashlight..well you know already. Made in electrical junk and unused small light bulbs. And rice sacks for thieve purposes.

"Alright, now we got our props let's get into this." James said. "Hold on, let's first start where do we start and how long do we stay on this factory before it closes." Ivy replied. "Remember our technique? We say all our floors from our recalled bank missions and see how many floors do we name. If it's common then it's totally useless or not but if we rarely say a floor number then.. it's the same thing either useless or not." She said.

After they all said the floors from their recalled missions. They found out on which floor do they go on one by one.

"Okay, so our most common said floors is 6, 2, 4, 15, 3, 1, 16 and then now for the rarely said ones is 5, 10, 17, 12, 14. So I think it's best we check the not said ones which are 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 18. We all know banks or thieves basically steal on are way off smart than us. Our guild is way more popular than any, so banks, factories, other places that we might steal on are smart. So they might be hidden on sudden rooms and floors that we didn't say." James said.

"Let's start with level 9 first." Lex said.

After level 9 they continued their journey until level 11..

"So far we collected and thought about stuff if they are useful and putted it in our bags, so I am guessing.." Liam paused for a bit and checked his scanner to see how many rooms does level 11 has. "Level 11 has exact 16 rooms. So this is a lot than our other levels that we checked so far." He said. "I also think that we a 100% we will get locked into here." Liam replied with his own message with a confirmation in his mind. "I swear I'm gonna be nauseous after this. I have a bad feeling about the number 11 plus I think it's gonna be my unlucky number at this point." Ivy replied.

"Y'know it's better if we don't worry about this. It makes our mission worst plus it's christmas." Lex replied to the other three. "She's right, I mean we would not wanna waste our time over fighting. It'll be just so embarrassing to our boss." James agreed to Lex.

After they checked all the rooms an unexpected visitor in the corridor or visitors.

"Alright, I think we got the most valuable stuff we may or may not know here on this level." Liam said.

After they went through the corridor, intruders came. "Hey, why is that window is open? Is it supposed to be open?" Lex noticed the opened window. "And with that why do I feel someone creeping onto our back?" Ivy replied.

They turned around and turned out to be intruders, intruders of a bank, factory or any place that can make a thieve can rob is bad for them. It prevents them from accomplishing their mission and also get the target of a thieve or thieve's. Remember what happened on the separated mission? Yep, those are the people.

"Well....That's not good..Are we supposed to panic or beat their bodies over?" Ivy said. "There's only one answer to that, beat the shit out of them and we will get out of here, unless we have time to get the objects on the 18th floor and I'll consider that as 2 answers." Lex replied while getting chains on her backpack.

After they fought the intruders they successfully escaped with jumping on the opened window on their back. And ran to the van.

"I swear santa you better not giving us coal we had to do this for a good reason. Well half of a bad reason but still." Ivy panicked while saying it.

They successfully came to their boss' home and tell them on what they got and happened. And to them, they were also hoping that they got the things that their boss' was looking for.

To be continued...

author's note:

SHEESH, ok finally its hereeee again sorry for the delay bcs of my exams going on to my school rn and i need to study + im gonna think abt for my part 3 on school tmr and work on the words of it!! tysm and ignore this being released on nov 30 and its 12:13am rn so byeee!!

word count: 1675

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