How You Met~Era 4 Ghouls

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This is basically how you met in the ministry but I'm going to add two parts
Part 1 would be if you were just a regular human at the ministry
Part 2 would be if you were another ghoul at the ministry
Hope this makes sense, I think its a cool idea


As a Human: You were running around the ministry doing sibling of sin tasks when you came across a room with smoke pooling from the cracked open doorway. Stopping dead in your tracks you looked inside only to come face to face with the red eyes of what you could only assume to be a ghoul. It snarled at you, emerging from the smoke as it neared the door, it's handsome features became more clear. There was about 3 seconds of you two staring at each other before the door suddenly shut and you broke out the trance. You wondered if you would ever see the ghoul again whether it was in the smoke or not.

As a Ghoul: You were a new summon, somehow finding yourself lost within the ministry until you came across the common room. The air felt warmer there as your glowing eyes soon rested upon another ghoul across the room. It's long hair covered most of it's face from your view but that hadn't stopped it from noticing you in the doorway. You nervously waved your fingers at the ghoul, it returned the action before its gaze wondered back to the guitar it held in its lap. A soft melody soon hummed from the strings of the instrument it held, every once in a while it would look back at you for your approval.


As a Human: You had been sent out the docks by another higher up in the clergy. You were supposed to be looking for anything wrong with the deck for future repairs but your eyes soon caught glimpses of strange rippling water. Since then every Wednesday you'd sit at the end of the dock and put your feet in the water, waiting for the strange ripple to appear. It always did, every Wednesday you sat at the dock, the strange ripple would appear until one day it hadn't. You still sat at the dock, watching the water, just waiting for anything to happen. It was until it showed up again, late, it slowly makes its way towards you though, something it had never done before. The strange ripple brushed against your submerged feet, stopping as it disappeared. Looking down at the water two heavenly blue eyes looked at at you. Normally this would've been something that would've caused you to scream and kick but they got closer until the top half of a ghouls head emerged from the water. The two of you stared in awe of each other until some sticks broke in the far distance, causing your new water friend to disappear into the water for another Wednesday where you'd continue to visit him.

As a Ghoul: The clergy that it would be funny to summon a handful of ghouls and let them run around through out the ministry. You were the first of the batch who were summoned so you got a head start of trying to find the older ghouls. You had somehow stumbled your way into the ministry's library where you realized you didn't know how to read. That didn't stop you from snooping around find what was the comfort spot of another, older, ghoul. It's blue eyes flicked from the book it held to you. The room stood still before your voice broke the silence. But it wasn't long until the library doors busted open, a sibling of sin looking for you. "I- I have to go, could you maybe teach me to read sometime? Maybe this time tomorrow, I have to go, bye!" You spoke fast you turned to leave, your tail not hiding the excitement that you held after the ghoul you met nodded at your request.


As a Human: You've been tasked with the very important job the ghoul's den.. It wasn't the worst place in the world but also was the best. The ghouls scared you but you had always found out a way to talk Sister Imperator out of having you do stuff down there. This time you weren't so lucky so you got your handfuls of trash bags and cleaning supplies as you thought about straight up quitting while you dragged your feet of the steps down. Once you had made it down to the main door, you opened it to be greeting by a larger ghoul with purple eyes. This would count as your first time you've ever seen or even been this close to one of the ghouls before and you've got to say, they weren't as scary looking as some people made it out to be. It looked down at you, briefly glancing at the supplies in your hands then back at you as it cocked it's head to the side like a dog. You quickly brought your hands up, showing him the supplies. "I've been sent to clean, may I please get through?" You spoke softly, trying your best to get on the ghouls good side just to be safe. The louder ghoul stepped out the way following you like a dog as you walked through the surprisingly clean hallways and common room. Whatever trash around was quickly picked up by the ghoul and put neatly into the bag you held.

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