Fire Exstinguisher~Sodo x Rain❤

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The day was long and everyone just seemed to get on Sodo's last nerve. The fire ghoul nearly burned the chapel down at practice today and Rain, the bassist, had to calm him down with his abilities. The way that was the only good way to calm him down made him only madder. It made his blood boil that they couldn't trust him enough to calm down on his own.

 "IF YOU'RE ALL SO SCARED OF ME BURNING THE CHURCH DOWN THAN MAYBE DON'T FUCKING PISS ME OFF, BITCH" Sodo yelled as he threw his guitar down and hopping off stage after Sister Imperator had left the chapel, she had been observing before their next ritual to make sure everything was perfect. "fucking Sister is a bitch.." Sodo grumbled to himself was he just stormed off, the floor feeling warm everywhere he had stepped. Copia turned to the water ghoul, "Rain, dear? Can you go calm him down?" he gave him a look of worry for the fire ghoul and only gained a nod from the one in front of him. As Rain started to place his bass down everyone's heads snapped to the open door of the chapel, "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP RAIN" Sodo's voice was distant but still loud as the walls echoed. Rain only sighed before making his way to the other ghoul's room. 

As Rain was walking to the catacombs he noticed in the kitchen that one of the cabinets that held the liquor was left a jar. Once he finally got to Sodo's room he instantly felt the heat radiating from the cracked door before he gently knocked on it. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to be alone?" His voice was less agitated, the heat only got hotter the more Rain stood at the door. "Well leaving the door slightly open wasn't much of a sign to leave you alone but even if it was i still wouldn't just leave you here, especially with an entire bottle of vodka, alone." Rain softly chuckled as he walked through Sodo's room to find him setting at the foot of his bed on the ground. He had an open bottle in one hand and his discarded hair tie in the other, his hair fell in his face as he looked up at Rain who was getting ready to sit down next to him. 

"Don't fucking lie to me Rain, you're only here because Copia told you to be" He took another swing, somewhat scrunching his face afterwards. Rain sighed, "That and I care for you, I don't want you to drink your worries away again. Not after last time." Rain reached for the bottle for it to be swiped away by Sodo again. "But you're still here because Copia told you to be" He only continued to drink from the bottle before Rain placed his hand on his shoulder, quickly retracting it because of how hot his skin was. If Sodo were human, his skin would have definitely been melted off for sure. 

Rain hissed while he dripped some water onto his hand. Sodo looked over at his now injured friend, "I didn't even do anything and i still managed to hurt you, i'm such a fucking screw up" He held his head in his hands as he let out quiet sobs before Rain used his uninjured hand to let out waves of calming energy through the ground. Cleary, it was effective as Sodo's breathing relaxed and the room temp dropped rapidly. "There you go, just breathe. It's not your fault Sodo" Once the ghoul cooled enough Rain took the opportunity to sneakily take the bottle away, hiding it behind him. "It's not you're fault that you're a fire ghoul now" He reached his hand out to tuck away the stray hairs that hung in Sodo's face.

Sodo absent-mindedly wiped away one of his tears. He hadn't even realized he was crying before Rain kissed away the others. Rain got up, lending his hand out for Sodo to take as he lead him to his bed. "There's not much we can do to make you feel better but if you want to, we can cuddle maybe?" Sodo's eyes lit up at Rain's suggestion. It didn't seem like it but he was a big cuddle lover, of course, the others weren't aloud to know that. He softly nodded while he wiped away any other tears on his face before he shoved his face into Rain's chest in a hug. Rain only let out a soft chuckle while he leaned onto his back, petting and running his fingers through Sodo's soft hair....

Also sorry broskis but I forgor about this a lil bit but I promise we're back on track 👍
I wonder what they're gonna do next 😚

Words: 834

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