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Don't hate, appreciate.

Enjoy chapter 4. Got some good stuff going on here.

>Andy's pov

The ringing of my phone retracted me from my thoughts. It was a school wide message, it read
"School is canceled today due to Staff Development Day."

Thank god.

"Andy, lunch time!" My mom yelled from the kitchen down stairs.

"Actually, I was just going to head out."

"Oh, alright. Be safe!" She yelled. I nodded slightly and walked out the door.

I hadn't planned on going anywhere particular, I needed to get away.

I ended up at the park. Grey clouds fluttered over the ligt baby blue sky, blocking out most of the sun. A peaceful, cool breeze sent dying leaves to the ground.

I walked over to the swing, no one was here, or at least that's what I thought.

"Your such a fucking faggot." I heard from the distance.

I turned around to see a boy on the ground, thee others standing above him. That's when I noticed... The one on the ground was Ashley.

They began kicking and laughing, Ashley lying in pain not able to do anything.

"Ashley!" I yelled, not thinking of what I was doing.

I ran over to them, blocking off Ashley from their harms way.
"Look here, its another faggot!" One called out, glaring at me.

"A-Andy?" Ashley looked up from his spot on the ground, he bounced up quickly and pulled my hand.

"Let's go, they aren't worth it." I hesitantly walked away from the assholes.

'Your such a stupid boy, they should have killed you. You don't deserve to live' the voices came back. Rude as ever.

"I'm sorry Andy." Ashley apologized.
"Sorry? For what?" I gave him a confused look.
"Those punks, i-i'm sorry you had to come save me, I'm so wea-"
I cut him off, "Hey, you aren't weak, your one of the strongest people I know. That cliché, I know, but that wasn't your fault."
Ashley slowly nodded in slight agreement and gave a small smile. I smiled back and continued walking.

"Where are we going?"
"My house."

He didn't say anything else the whole way.

Once we got there, we snuck past my mom and up to my room.
"So, how have you been?" I asked.
"Okay. You?"
".... Hanging in there..."

He slightly tilted his head, not understanding what I had meant when I had said that.
"What do you mean? Are you o-" I cut him off, this time with a kiss.

He gave no hesitation to kiss back. I smiled and melted into the steaming kiss we shared.

~later that night~
>Ashley's pov

I had left Andy's about an hour ago. I missed him not being by my side, not being able to hold him for the whole day, always next to him. It was a good feeling I had for him, but a worse when we were apart.

I'm glad I can call him my boyfriend. It feels so nice to be able to say that, I've waited and now I finally have him. All to myself.

I sighed happily and picked up my phone,

I lazily flopped onto my bed on my back, ran my hands through my dark black hair, and relaxed.
I turned on the TV handing onto my wall, it had some cop show I wasnt really interested in.

"Ashy, sweetie?" My grandma knocked on the door.

"Come in." I turned my head to the door.

"I made dinner, its in the kitchen. I have to go check on your grandfather at his work. Will you be alright for a while?"

"Yeah, just fine. Thank you."

"Alright, bye honey."
With that she closed my room door and left.

I flipped through random channels and ended up choosing some random fish tank one.

"So bored." I groaned and rolled off my bed.

I walked out of my room and downstairs, I got myself a bowl of stew my grandmother made and sat down watching the news on the TV in the living room.

My phone lit up and began to play my ringtone. Andy's Caller ID popped up on the lighted blue screen. I smiled and answered.

"Hi Andy." I smiled
"Hi baby. I'm bored, what should I do?" He groaned
"Haha. I'm bored too, I'm not sure what to do either. Watch TV?"
"Nah, I think I'll go outside for some fresh air but I'm not sure."
"Sounds reasonable."
"Well, what are you doing?"
"Watching TV" I replied
"I wish I was there. Things in my house aren't doing so hot."
I frowned "aww, baby. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just my stupid disfunctioned brain" he laughed.
I knew he was lying, "are you okay?"
"Uhhh, yeah. Just fine."
"You don't seem like it..."
"Baby, don't worry."
"Okay, well I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too."
He ended the call.

I sighed and put my phone down on the arm if the sofa.
"That call literally had no point." I chuckled.

About an hour of watching TV went by. My grandma had came home and gone upstairs to sleep. My phone read

I sighed and stretched out my arms. In the middle of this my phone rang.
It was an unknown number.

"Is this Ashley Purdy?" A woman in the phone called.
"Yes, whos asking?"
"This is Ms. Rose, I'm a nurse here in the Green Hills Hospital. I called because a boy Andrew Biersack has arrived here not too long ago. His family wanted us to contact you."
As she spoke into the phone my heart stopped, is Andy in the hospital? He's hurt?

"IS HE OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED??" I practically yelled into the phone.
"We can explain if you make your way here."

I hung up running up the stairs. Hot tears stinging in my eyes.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" My grandma asked.


"Alright. I'll take you there."
"Yes! Please!!!" I screamed rushing downstairs and outside towards the car.

I hope he's alright.

Muhahahahahahaha, so I reached up to around 1,000 words! Yay!

Don't hate me for Andy being in the hospital.
All will be explained in the next chapter.


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