Parte 13 Answers to a test

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POV Ayanokouji.

Over the last few days, because of classes, everyone has been focused on their studies. Haru went out with his study group and I went to 'study' with Ike, Sudou and Yamauchi.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch, Ike and the others ran for their lives. Lunch time lasts 45 minutes. After eating, it was agreed that everyone would meet in the library for 20 minutes to study.

At first, we planned to study in the classroom, but as it would be noisy, it was decided that we would study in the library so that we could concentrate better. At least I can see Haru's group when I go to the library.

However, I think the real reason was so that Horikita could avoid Hirata. Hirata's group usually discusses study methods after school after lunch. If we were around, we could probably imagine hearing everything they were saying. She probably doesn't want that.

Before going to the library to study, I went with Haru to buy lunch, and of course I paid for both of their lunches. We had lunch before going to the library.

A minute later than promised, we all met in the library.

Haru said goodbye to me and went to her group, which was already waiting for her.Everyone was ready to take notes and was waiting to start. There were also many other students studying in the library at the time. From the first-years to the third-years, everyone was making an effort to study.

I could tell that with just one look.

"You're late." Horikita

"Sorry, we were a bit late because it was so crowded."

"Hurry up."

"... Okay."

I silently felt around and picked up my notes.

"I thought I'd need more help, but geography is surprisingly easy.""Chemistry is also easier than I thought."

Ike and Yamauchi talked.

"That's because there are a lot of memorization problems. Subjects like math or English have questions you can't answer if you don't know the basics." Horikita.

"Don't let your guard down. There may be current events on the test."Horikita.

"Current... events?" Ike.

"Current events. Events in politics or economics that may have occurred in recent years. In other words, there may be questions that cover material that doesn't matter in the book." Horikita.

"Ugh, that's foul play! Doesn't that make what we've studied so far useless!" Ike.

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