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Crack, craaaaaack

The cracks on the egg grew bigger and Fatespeaker watched with wide eyes. Her egg rocked side to side and she could see a dragonet trying to claw its way out.

Darkness. It was cold. The only thing she could hear was the sounds of the rainforest. No mother to keep her warm. It seemed she would hatch alone. Unless . . .

She hadn't discovered her power yet, but in that moment she had a vision. Coming out now would mean she would be all by herself and probably get eaten in her first minute of experiencing the world. Or, she could wait for warmth, a sign that someone was with her to keep her safe. It was undecided but in that moment she heard a voice. It wasn't warm though, someone was there but not doing anything. The voice spoke softly, nothing more than a whisper.

It doesn't sound like a mother, the unhatched dragonet thought. She waited until she could hear more voices-not many, just one more. Now that, sounded like her mother. Moonlight shone into the egg and disappeared as a shadow closed around it. But, warmth. She had to get out now. If she didn't, mother would think there was something wrong with her. There was most definitely nothing wrong with her. She pushed her back talons against the eggshell. A large crack formed and she looked at it triumphantly. She kept pushing and clawing until the top finally broke off. She popped her head out and saw the world for the first time.

Fatespeaker fumbled to stand up. The egg rocked and a small dragonet poked its head out and the top of the egg broke off. The rest of the shell broke apart as the dragonet shook herself wings to tail. Moon gasped. "She's so cute." She breathed as Fatespeaker picked the baby dragon up. It blinked at her with wide eyes.

Its scales weren't completely black, purple and blue scales showed here and there. The dragonet had similar bracelet-looking scales like her mothers except this time they were around her horns. She had silver freckles along her snout, back, and tail. She spread her tiny wings and siver specks were scattered along the underside of her wings.

"She's perfect," Fatespeaker said, nudging the dragonet with her snout. She looked up and saw the sun starting to climb the sky. "Hello Visionseeker." She whispered. The dragonet squeaked as Fatespeaker tucked it under her wing.
Moon tilted her head. "Visionseeker?" She echoed. "How do you know she's not a mind reader?"

"Well, I know she has powers and she doesn't have the teardrop scales that indicate a mind reader." Fatespeaker explained. She pointed to the scales by her eyes and then to the ones on Moon. The dragonet nodded slowly, as if she was listening to something. A moment passed. "Yes," Moon said suddenly. "She has 'prophet' written all over her mind." Fatespeaker got a sudden flare of jealousy. If the talons of peace had raised her properly and let her hatch in the moonlight, she would be able to read minds.

"C'mon," She said, brushing the thought off. "Lets go meet the NightWings."

[DISCONTINUED] The Scales of NightWhere stories live. Discover now