The Egg

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A few days after the wedding, She and Starflight moved into the same hut. Everything seemed perfect.

Until Fatespeaker found out she was with egg. Of course, Starflight hadn't found out yet. And of course, the first person she told was Sunny, even though she had learned several months after Fatespeaker became pregnant. She hadn't told Sunny that she had already laid it eaither. She half expected Sunny to kill her but she was not surprised at her reaction.

"REALLY!!??" Sunny had cried when she told her. "YOU AND STARFLIGHT ARE HAVING EGGS!!!!????OH MY MOONS THAT IS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE EVER EVER EVER HEARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Shush, lower your voice," Fatespeaker urged. "It's like you want the whole rainforest to know."

"The WHOLE rainforest SHOULD know," Sunny screamed louder. Fatespeaker grabbed a large leaf from a nearby tree and wrapped it around the little SandWing's snout. Her cries were muffled and grabbed her talons.

"Starflight doesn't know and you CANNOT tell him, okay?" Sunny nodded but the NightWing knew it would do no use because Sunny couldn't keep a secret. "Hw lom bil bit hmches?" Sunny asked through the leaf that was binding her mouth shut. Fatespeaker glanced at her sideways.

"Oh right!" She took the leaf off and Sunny said: "How long till it hatches?"

"Um-A long time, more months. Yes, definitely lots more months." She lied. The egg was due to hatch two nights away from their conversation. "Yeah, a lot of time. Nothing to worry about!"


Fatespeaker had hid her egg well. it was deep into the rainforest where no one would find it. The light of the full moon lit her path towards her precious child. Her heart was pounding with worries as she went to find it. It had been exactly two nights since her chat with Sunny, which meant her egg was hatching tonight. Worries flooded her head.

What if the egg doesn't hatch because it's too cold?

What if the father needs to be with it to hatch?

What if-

She heard a rustle in the leaves. She was near her egg and someone was there already. She was surprised when she saw it was Moonwatcher. Why the hell is Moon near MY egg??? The NightWing dragonet was sitting beside it and watching with a sad expression. Why was she so upset?

Fatespeaker noticed that her egg had turned silver in the moonlight. Because this is what her egg was like. She realised. Hatching alone in the rainforest, without anyone else except her mother. Suddenly she thought of something. That thought hadn't even crossed her mind while she hid it. It's a full moon, my egg turned silver, is my dragonet going to have the NightWing powers?

Moon looked up. "Oh!" She gasped. "I-is thi-is, is this your egg?"

Fatespeaker curled up beside the egg. "Sorry-I-I had no idea-I just-" Moon stammered. The light from the moons above danced across her egg. "Should I go?" She asked shyly. "No," said Fatespeaker. Moon looked at her with a confused expression. "Why?"

"Because I have experienced this too." Moon answered her own question, probably seeing the answer in Fatespeaker's mind. "Well-um, if you didn't know I was in the egg, so-er-I wouldn't know much." They both laughed.

"Is there a way to know if she is going to be a seer or a mind reader?" asked Fatespeaker. Moon shook her head.

She lay down beside her egg and just then she heard a crack.

[DISCONTINUED] The Scales of NightWhere stories live. Discover now