Dragonets of Destiny

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"You wanted to see me, Fatespeaker?" The black and purple dragonet nodded. 

"Very well then," Glory replied. "What is it?" Fatespeaker sat down. Lifting her head to look up at the queen. "I would like to have your permission to marry Starflight." The RainWing raised her eyebrows but then her face softened. 

"You know you don't need to ask permission for that."

Fatespeaker twisted her claws nervously. "Well, um- I wanted to get to ask you because you know you're like one of Starflight's best friends-and his queen-so I wanted to know if you would be mad." Glory let out a laugh. "You don't have to be worried about me being mad," She said reassuringly. Fatespeaker smiled. 

"Buuuut I don't think you should mention this to Tsunami, or Sunny because they would most definitely be very mad, does Starflight know you want to do this?" 

Fatespeaker hesitated and her face turned red. "Yeeeaaaaah . . . TOTALLY"


"Guys guess what," Glory said. The school year was over so the rest of the DOD had time to visit the busy RainWing. "What?" Clay said absentmindedly while picking up a mango. "Fatespeaker wants to marry Starflight."

Clay choked on his mango and Tsunami's jaw dropped. She jerked her head at Starflight and Sunny who were reading one of Starflight's scrolls for blind people on a platform not too far away and made a 'does he know?' face. Glory made a 'not yet, and dibs not being the one to tell him' face right back.

"Nuh uh, not HAPPENING. Not now, not in a MILLION YEARS" Tsunami said firmly, vigorously shaking her head. Clay swallowed his mango with a loud gulp. "I mean, they are super in love, I don't see what the problem is. I know YOU want to marry Riptide." Tsunami's face turned bright red and she swatted at Clay. "Starflight is waaaay too young to be getting married."

"Just wait till we tell Sunny." Glory said with a laugh, picturing the small SandWing's face. 

A/N: Sorry this chapter is short but i'm trying to get at least one chapter out everyday. I still have school and a bunch of other things so I might be slow.

[DISCONTINUED] The Scales of NightWhere stories live. Discover now