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Fatespeaker twisted her claws nervously. Today was her wedding day. Honestly, she had no idea how she felt about it.

"Are you ready yet?" Sunny, her bridesmaid, called from outside. Fatespeaker forgot she was supposed to be putting on the jewellery that Sunny got here. "Oh yeah, i'll be ready in a minute!" She called back. She clamped on a golden tail band that was heavy to walk with and some moon shaped earrings. On the table in one big tangle was a chain made of diamonds she was supposed to drape across her wings.

After putting on some horn and spike decorations she put on a sapphire tiara to complete the look. Oh my moons. She thought. She took a look in the mirror. I think I have more jewellery than Bog!

She came out of the room and she got a quick glance at the guests. Before she could see Starflight, Sunny pulled her aside. "Are you okay?" she asked anxiously. Fatespeaker nodded. "Uh huh, totally. NEVER BEEN MORE OKAY" Sunny pulled Fatespeaker into a hug. She glanced over at Kinkajou. She had volunteered to be her flower girl, and Moonwatcher was with her. Fatespeaker thought the little NightWing looked more nervous than she was.

Probably has a headache from all the minds in this room. She thought, glaring at Moon's silver teardrop scales. She felt herself unconsciously reaching for her own silver scales by her eyes.

"They're ready," Her other bridesmaid-Tsunami-called. Fatespeaker took a deep breath and adjusted her jewellery one last time, and turned to walk down the aisle.


"Is it starting yet?" Starflight asked. "I think so." Clay answered. Starflight heard gasps from the guests and he thought that meant Fatespeaker was here. He wished he could see how beautiful she looked. "She's here," Clay whispered. Starflight nodded. "She's wearing a nervous expression, like you." He continued. As Clay kept describing what was happening, Starflight tried to imagine the scene in his head.

He finally felt Fatespeaker's talons grabbing his and the priest spoke the words.

"Starflight, Do you take Fatespeaker as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death?"

"I do." Starflight said.

"Fatespeaker, Do you take Starflight as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death?"

"I do." She said spiritedly.

"You may now kiss the bride" Starflight tried to kiss her and awkwardly landed on the side of her snout. She laughed and kissed him back, in the right place this time.

[DISCONTINUED] The Scales of NightWhere stories live. Discover now