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Brizo raced to the hospital at impeccable speed almost hitting Stiles jeep when she pulled into the spot next to him. She threw herself out of the car and onto the ground, then jumped up. "I'm okay!" Brizo yelled and jogged over to Scott and Stiles. "Yeah, real nice landing over there. What are you taking up Olympic diving?" Stiles asked sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny. Where's Lydia?" Brizo asked, her own heart practically beating out of her own chest. "The moral of the story is she left through the hospital window, naked, and is probably running through the preserve and turning," Scott said very rushed. "Scotts gonna use her scent and track her through that. Is there anything special you can do?" Stiles asked walking to the door of his jeep. Brizo sat there for a second and pondered but sound of both boys slamming the jeep doors got her out of it. She ran up to Stiles' door and banged on it. He unrolled the window and the girl spoke.

"Lydia and I have a really strong connection. I can't explain it but I know when she's around and if she's okay or not. Listen I'll just follow you guys in my car." Brizo said then went around to her own car and got in. She let out a sigh and then placed her hands on the wheel. "God please be okay Lyds," Brizo whispered to herself. She then looked over and noticed Allison showed up and she tried to get in Stiles jeep, but he motioned for her to join Brizo. There was no way they could get around this so she just unlocked the car and let Allison get in.

The older girl didn't say anything but Brizo could hear her heartbeat. As Brizo pulled out after Stiles she spoke to Allison. "I know we're not exactly friends but we have one thing in common, Lydia. So let's just find her." The blonde said as she started following Stiles at a now illegal speed. "I agree, we need to focus on Lydia. Why don't we call a truce?" Allison asked, looking over at the girl. "Yeah truce, that sounds nice. Maybe don't shoot me again." Brizo said with a laugh. "Don't worry I will not shoot you again. Scouts honor." Allison then said with a giggle. Both girls laughed until Stiles took a sharp right. "Hold on!" Brizo yelled and she went 65 into the turn, hands gripping the wheel, both girls screaming. Brizo then slammed on the brakes behind Stiles now realizing where they were. "Of course, it's the goddamn preserve," Brizo yells.


Across town at the cemetery, Issac was working the Sunday night graveyard shift. Specifically digging Kate Argent's grave. The boy heard strange noises and turned the machine around, trying to use the light to see where the disturbance was coming from. He kept turning the machine until he stopped and noticed a clawed hand wrapping around the side of one of the graves. "What the hell?" he spoke out to the darkness. He then stopped the machine and looked the other way and in that split second something came running towards Issac. By the time he looked it was too late, the thing pushed Issac and the machine over on top of the newly dug grave, causing Issac to fall inside. He stayed lying on the ground for a good minute, until something jumped across the machine, causing him to jump. Now listening to the sounds around him he heard a whine and loud growl. When he looked above him the machine started to be lifted off the grave and someone was standing at the edge. "Need a hand?" The voice asked.


The group of four was walking through Beacon Hills Preserve, up to an all too familiar path. The remains of the Hale house. "She came here? You sure?" Stiles asked turning back to look at Scott. "This is where the scent leads," Scott said. Brizo crouched down to the ground and felt the leaves. Brizo closed her eyes and tried to feel a different connection with the area, one that wasn't the fire. Until she felt a sense of familiarity, Lydia's aura. She jumped up into a standing position next to Allison, "She was definitely here, I can feel her." "Brizo spoke walking up towards Stiles closer to the house. "All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles asked looking at Brizo and then Allison. Brizo just shook her head, then started walking around. "Not with me. Maybe she came here on instinct. Like she was looking for Derek?" Allison asked, looking at Brizo. "You mean looking for an alpha. Well, jokes on Lydia because I haven't seen him since everything went down." The blonde said now turned to look at the couple.

"Wolves need a pack right?" Allison asked looking at Scott. "Not all of them." Scott trailed off. "But would she have been drawn to an alpha? Is it an instinct to be drawn to a pack?" The brunette asked eyes now flicking to Brizo. "Yeah we're stronger in packs," Scott said. "Like strength in numbers," Allison stated. "Not even, more like physically stronger, faster, smarter, overall better in every way," Brizo said, now leaning against a tree. "Is that the same for an alpha?" Allison questioned. "It'll make Derek a hell of a lot stronger too," Brizo said. The three's attention was drawn away when Stiles called them over. "Woah hey! Look at this! Do you see this? I think it's a trip wire." Stiles said. Allison went over to look at it and Stiles pulled the wire.

Something grabbed Scott by the foot and it dragged him into the air. Brizo busted out laughing, hand gripping the tree. "Oh my god, I need a picture of this." She said and took her phone out. Stiles and Allison looked over, the girl holding in a laugh. "Stiles next time you see a trip wire, don't trip it," Scott stated defeated. "Yeah noted," Stiles said and then went to get Scott down until he spoke. "Wait wait wait, someone's coming," Scott whispered. "Hide go!" Brizo said next and then tried to work to get Scott down. It was too late and the footsteps got closer. Brizo turned and was face to face with Chris Argent. "Scott? Brizo?" Chris asked, looking at the two teens, then crouching to Scott's eye level. "Mr. Argent." "Argent." Both teens spoke at the same time. "How are you doing?" Chris asked looking pissed as ever. "Good, you know just hanging out," Scott said then asked. "This one of yours? It's uh, good. Nice design, very, constricting." Scott said sarcastically.

Argent sighed then stood up from his crouched position in front of the hanging werewolf. "What are you two doing out here?" He asked pointedly looking at Brizo. "Frolicking in the woods." "Looking for our friend." The two spoke again at the same time. The silence between the three was very loud. "You know what, I'm gonna go for a little walk. It was nice to see you, Argent. Hopefully, I see you again...never." Brizo said then walked off towards the Hale house. She opened the door and stepped inside, trying to be aware of any more traps Argent set up.

That was until she felt a searing pain in her chest, right at her heart. She clutched her chest and gripped the banister of the stairway. The pain was so bad she couldn't breathe and her eyes glassed over pure white. The first thought in her mind was Issac, and that something was wrong with him. The thought was quickly pushed off when the door to the house opened again. "Well, let's see what's in here," Stiles exclaimed as he opened the door.

Hey guysss! This chapter is lowk boring and shitty but I wanna use it to help build and like cement the bond Lydia and Brizo have if that makes sense idk. Anyway if your interested in this story feel free to follow me because I would really like to be able to like have convos with u guys on like that conversations tab about posting times and little details and hints of chapters and stuff like that. Also in one particular convo in this chapter there is some foreshadowing some later chapters (hint hint) so try and remember that for later in this story. Thank you guys again for all of this support on Brizo and Issac's journey!!

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