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All you could hear throught Beacon Hills was the pouring rain pounding aganist roofs and the pavement. Brizo laid in bed, reading 'To Kill a Mockinbird' listening to the sounds of the rain pattering aganist the lake in her backyard. She was in complete peace, that was until a loud knock rang out through the Tallulah home, coming from downstairs. She peeled back the covers and clied out of bed, putting her slippers on. She walked down the stairs and used the peep hole, seeing Scott standing there. She opened the door and he immediately stepped inside. "Ah yes come into my home. Soaking wet that is." She said and closed the door, locking it shut. "Did you know Allison has a crazy grandpa?" Scott asked, hands shaking while looking at Brizo. "Let me get you a towel." She said and walked off. Scott following her, wanting a answer. "Gerard Argent, i've heard enough about him." She said and opened the linen closet, grabbing a towel, and handing it to the boy.

He started to dry off, trying to avoid the cold. "Lets just say Gerard and the supernatural of Beacon hills have plenty of history." She said and patted Scott on the shoulder. "Well he killed an innocent werewolf tonight, claiming we all deserve to die for the death of his daughter." Scott said, rushing his words. "Thats Gerard for you, he is one for revenge, not peace." She said trying to recall the things her mother once told her. "Yeah well it's gonna get us all killed." Scott stated. After talking for a while more, and letting Scott warm up, they said farewell and Brizo went off to bed. The past few days worth of adventure tiring her out. Just as she was falling asleep she felt the same pang in her heart from the other night. Sharp, to the point that it restricted her breath. The first inital thought was Lydia, but then got a calming sense from the thought of her. Like she was safe and home. Her mind then went to Issac and she closed her eyes, clutching her chest, and a vison clouded her mind.

"Absolutely spotless!" She heard then a crash, like glass breaking. She then saw Issac in her mind, falling to the ground, face bleeding. Then saw a vison of him riding his bike in the rain. She pushed herself into a sitting position. Knowing that if Issac was intouble with his dad he would come over. She reached over and cracked her window so she could hear him if he needed her. She stayed sitting up for as long as she could, the pain in her chest not subsiding. After time had passed the girl fell asleep, not being able to keep her eyes open.


That morning when Brizo woke up her bedroom was freezing, as was her skin. She pulled herself out of bed, texting Issac asking if he needed a ride. He responded simply. 'No thanks I have one <3' This didnt seem abnormal so she went about her morning, pulling up to school parking next to Stiles. She got out at the same time as him and they both walked in together. "Morning practice?" She asked shoving his shoulder. "Yeah coach has us running drills like no other." He said with a laugh. The pair made small talk as they walked to the locker room, Brizo walking in with him as he held the door.

They parted ways as he went to Scott and she went to Jackson. "Morning." She spoke and sat on the bench behind him. "Morning" He said throwing on a tee shirt, but Brizo caught it. A glimpse of a bandage over the side of his torso. Black liquid coming through the white gauze. The bite, it was rejecting, his body couldnt take it. "Jackson whats on your side?" She asked, knowing all too well. "Just a cut, from lacrosse, I crashed into the bleachers yesterday." He said rushed out, not looking her in the eye. "Jackson." She started but he slammed his locker shut and walked away from her muttering "leave me alone" She just sat there, jaw dropped. That was until she saw Issac walk in and go to his locker.

She didn her usual and walked over to him. Kissing him on the cheek she sat on the bench behind his locker. "You alright?" She asked tugging on his shirt, but her heard dropped to her stomach. The feeling of a supernatural. This time, unlike Soctt, all too close. Her hand dropped from his shirt and too her lap. She just stared straight ahead. "Yeah im alright, you? Briz you look like you've seen a ghost." Issac said with a giggle. She couldnt even speak, she couldn't believe it. She stood up abruptly and spoke. "Im gonna watch your practice but I have to do something first." She said, throwing her bag over her shoulder, and pushing her way out of the locker room.

Someone grabbed her arm when she was near the door. She turned, seeing Scott, and he spoke. "Theres another werewolf in here." He said low enough so only she could here. They locked eyes and she nodded her head, pulling herself from his grasp, and darting off. She almost didnt make it to the bathroom before emptying the contents of her stomach. Her eyes glossed over white, and her claws came out, digging into the palms of her hands, knowing all too well how this would end.


Just 10 minutes later Brizo sat, watching practice, staring at Issac, hands shaking. She watched Scott knock person after person over while running out of the goal. That was until it was Issac's turn, after Jackson backed out. The two started running towards one another at immense speed. The two collided and knocked each other to complete other sides. When they looked up at each other Brizo just knew. She focused her hearing, their heavy breathing taking over. That was until coach blew his whistle and Brizo looked up, seeing the Sheriff, calling Issac over. She heard one last thing from Issac before he walked off. "Don't tell them. Please don't tell them." He pleaded softly.

𝐂𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 {𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now