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Brizo sat across from Boyd, Stiles next to her. "Boyd. You got the keys?" Stiles asked. "This isn't a favor, it's a transaction." Boyd said, taking a bite of his food. "Right absolutely." Stiles said taking lou a twenty dollar bill. "I said fifty." Boyd said, staring at Stiles. "Really? I-I remember twenty. I don't know, I have a really good verbal memory, and I remember twenty. I remember that distinct "twuh" sound, "twuh-enty." Stiles said, lying out of his own ass. "I said "fifty." With the "fuh" sound. Hear the difference? If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the "fuh" sound." Boyd said not amused.

"Uh, no. N-no. I think I'm recalling it now. Maybe I just got it confused with "fuh"-orty." Stiles said, trying to bargain. "Jesus christ Stiles, Boyd is helping you out." Brizo said, pulling 2 twenties out of her pocket and then grabbing Stiles twenty. She handed it to Boyd with a true smile. Boyd just placed the keys in the palm of Brizos hand and smiled back at her. "You know the rules about locking up." He said. The girl nodded and got up from the table.

The girl sat down at another table across from Scott, Stiles then sitting next to her. "Got 'em. Pick you up right after work tonight, and we'll all meet at the rink, cool?" Stiles asked. Scott nodded at Lydia came over to the table, slamming her hands down. "What... the holy hell...is that?" Lydia said looking across the lunchroom. Brizo turned around and saw Erica walking through the room. The girl dressed in a blue bustier top, her black bra showing, and her hair beautifully curled. "She was always pretty but jesus christ." Brizo said, eyeing the blonde. She walked up to a random table, picking up an apple and seductively taking a bite. "It's Erica." Stiles said. The girl looked at Brizo and gave her a wink, walking away. When they saw her leave the cafeteria, then the school, she got into Derek's car. "Son of a bitch." Brizo whispered.


Brizo decided on going to the rink earlier than her friends to skate by herself. This time on high alert due to the last time she skated. She didn't play any music, just skating to a beat in her head. Spin after spin, jump after jump. Until she heard a door open, then close. She slowed down her spin, stopping and standing still. Foot steps on the ice. She slowly turned around, just a foot away from her was her boyfriend. "Issac." She said in a small voice. "Why the clothes?" Issac asked, stepping closer. "Are you okay?" Brizo asked, placing a hand on his arm. Issac pulled away, almost like she burned him. When he did that Brizo took a moment to take all of him in. Wearing some of the clothes she left him, but also sporting an old leather jacket of Derek's. "Answer the question Brizo." Issac said, his voice low. He spat her name out like it was wolfsbane in his mouth. "Because I care about you, I thought." She started as she stepped closer but Issac cut her off. "You need to stay away from me Brizo." Issac said, his eyes slightly glowing and a growl coming to his voice. Brizo took a small step back. If he went to attack her she atleast wanted to put an extra half a second between them.

"What are you gonna do? Hurt me?" Brizo asked, testing his anger. She wanted to know if Derek taught him anything valuable yet. Issac just looked at her, his eyes full of regret. "I know what you are Issac, and you don't scare me." She said, clenching her own fist at her side. She's not mad at him, but she is in fact seething with rage. At Derek, for making her life more complicated then it already was "If you know what I am then you know to stay away." Issac said with a smirk, then turned on his heels and started to walk away. Brizo let out a breath, but Issac suddenly stopped and turned his head. "And don't try lying, I can hear your heartbeat." He said then finished walking off the ice.

This was not the Issac she fell for.


"Your sure you don't wanna stay?" Scott asked, lacing up his skates. "I don't wanna feel like a third wheel honestly, plus I'm really tired." Brizo said, then faked a yawn. Scott nodded his head but heard a slight jump in her heart rate. He ignored it, telling himself she had her reasons. He took the rinks keys from her and she left, promising to text them all when she got home. On her drive home Brizo breathed heavily. Her eyes slowly drifting, she blinked, but was immediately somewhere she recognized all to well. Soaking wet, swimming in the lake behind her home. Completely underwater and fully transformed, teeth, claws and all.

The girl slowly swam to the surface and when she broke through someone was staring back at her from the dock. "So your transforming without knowing?" It said to her. She blinked and then started the person down. Bright blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Dressed in loose fitting white pants, and a loose fitting light green babydoll top. Salacia, her dear darling sister. "Good to see you Bri, now come out I have a towel for you." Salacia said, shaking the towel in her hands. Brizo felt her claws and teeth retract. Heaving herself onto the dock, tail disappearing behind her. Salacia wraps her in the towel as she lays on the dock, then took the younger girl in her arms. "What's been going on Bri?" The older girl asked. "This is about to be a very long conversation." Brizo said with a huff.

I hate this chapter tbh but like meet Salacia guys.
So info on Salacia she's the same age as Derek and is his childhood best friend. She's gonna be a character that stays for a while. Salacia looks like an older version of Brizo so however you imagine Brizo is basically how you can imagine Salacia.


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