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I'm gonna do some more ships cause @sunset-nebulae suggested I do the rest of the ship list

WashingtonxHistory: History of Washington

GeorgexGeorge (we don't know which Georges though): GeorgexGorge (we don't know who George is)

HamiltonxHamilton: Hamilton x Hamilton

Hamilton x Alison: Also Hamilton x Allison

Philip Skyler x Aaron Bear:  Philip Skylarx Aaron Chas

Eliza x Ham's mother: Elizabeth Shim's mother

And since I've already done the rest, let's do some more ships
And these ships are pretty rare, but this is all about the names so I don't care.

JamesMull: Edited by James Mill - Mhm, thanks for helping with the editing, James

LaurBurr: Run it.

Lee/Eaker: Lee/Akers

Seabury/Eaker: Seabury/Akers

MullBurr: There is a stone

LafBurr: Laughter

Mulbury: Mulberry

Mulliza: Author: Malia

Elayette: Author: Elvet

HamReynolds:  Reynolds is also a producer.

Jeffliza: Jeff's story

KingHam: Author: Kingsham

Theoliza: Author: Teles

Jeffgelica: Jeff Gallica said.

Jamesliza: Author: James Leesa

Burrliza: Berlin

Laurphil: Author: Larfeld

Lafgelica: Territory

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