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Lee may not live to see our glory.

Lee may not have lived to be famous

But somehow we survive

But I will survive

Even our children tell stories

When children tell us stories

Today they tell a story

Daddy, I'm going back to New York

how is that

I learned to knit before the war.
He said I could come back anytime, look around.
We fight and lose together
And I'm a freelancer, an advertiser, not a local
I see it in Ben Franklin's broken eyes.
I am broken, weak and weak
I think the war is over, but no one said we lost

I'm going to New York with you, Molk.

Hamilton: Who?

Wherever you go.

what happened

I ordered


He took me home.
Raise a glass to freedom

I can't accept

That's all I have to say
He's going to give a speech tonight

Raise a glass to the four of us.

We have more tomorrow 

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