THE RIGHT HAND OF MAN (old version)

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Idk, this is the part where it gets kind of weird (and maybe boring, you tell me if it is) because there are only little parts of old lyrics left BUT for now I'm gonna keep translating them because I want to finish that first before I translate different (but still Hamilton related stuff) 

This is just 2 little parts of the old version of the song, because the rest didn't change

[Brother Hamilton]
Now I can write Revolution without my fingers bleeding
But work gives us what we need.


[Brother Hamilton]
We sowed the seeds of regret tonight
Watch it grow, touch and grow
until all the weeds are gone


[Brother Hamilton]
Look at those popular fastballs
Leader of this group, follow me, do we have a plan?


[Brother Hamilton]
Stay with me, please


[Brother Hamilton]
Of course, it's free.


[Brother Hamilton]
Describe your past

The general is here.

Both women and men.

The general is here.

The moment you've been waiting for.

The general is here.

Fight for your life.

The general is here.

George Washington is right!

[Brother Hamilton]
Will they kill us? He said he didn't.
The price of the drugs they buy will not


[Brother Hamilton]
The rebels were shocked.


[Brother Hamilton]
Who said I couldn't drive?


[Brother Hamilton]
Who said I wasn't inspiring?


[Brother Hamilton]
Get your weapons ready, we'll face heavy fire.
Unfortunately, the British ships moved on
Take a risk, I'm not afraid of trains.
When the president says he's back, he tells a story.
I've been standing in the street for a long time

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