17 2 15

They are [four].
I can't live in my own glory.

[miss. Eli].
Isn't that Alexander? Reported from South Carolina.

[Hamilton brothers].
The story of John Lawrence. I'll get into that later.

They are [four].
But I really want to participate.

[miss. Eli].
He is his father's son

[Hamilton brothers].
Is that his father?

They are [four].
When children tell us stories

[Hamilton brothers].
Have you read this book

They are [four].
I'll tell you tonight.

[miss. Eli].
27|Tuesday I was killed in South Carolina by my son and British soldiers. The war is almost over. You know John would save 3,000 lives and train the first black soldiers.
At the same time, his freedom had been lost. " " .

They are [four].
There will be more tomorrow.

[miss. Eli].
His name is Alexander. You are a very good child.

[Hamilton brothers]. 
I have a lot of work to do. 

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