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Wait, wait- hold on a second, what?!

Shiro, the neighbor in which you encountered only yesterday-- was standing in your classroom like his appearance was meant to be some sort of coincidence. Seeing his face created a nervous knot in your stomach.

"Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you." Announced Shiro. He bowed at a low angle, similarly to you, and then stood straight while he started to readjust his schoolbag strapped along his shoulder. The crowd of students were as silent as you, but for other reasons, however. Whispers immediately filled the room, all of which were revolving around the male standing there with a currently content expression. In his eyes, a look of utter boredom was made apparent.. Apathy was his closest, most trustworthy companion.

"Hey," Spoke a female student, leaning over to the side to gossip with one of her friends who also pulled in close. "The new guy looks just like Seiichiro! He never mentioned having a quiet brother." She whispered to her friend whose cherry lips curled deviously at the mention of one man in specific. The girl she's talking to in particular? None other than Kirigiri Yatsouba. She smirked and tilted her head to the side, flicking her long hair behind her shoulder to perhaps get the attention of the oldest Yuuki brother who you failed to spot until now. "Well, clearly they're brothers you idiot. But twin or not, my Sei will always be number one..~"

Located on your right and sitting at the middle row desk was Seiichiro; fortunately he had his head buried in his arms to sleep, so he couldn't deal with Kirigiri's delusions even if he wanted to. 'S-Small world, I suppose??' You fought to pinch yourself. As much as you'd like to call this reality, this was simply too surreal to accept. A bead of sweat trickled down your cheek and you quickly shot your head down in intimidation seeing as Shiro finally walked towards his desk one gap away from yours.

He stringed his bag along the hook attached to the desk itself, training his priorities on preparation before class. During this time he didn't look or utter a peep towards you, thankfully--because you had a feeling you wouldn't be able to handle his thoughtless prying eyes right now.

With that came the first bell of today, officially marking the start of this class session. You were pretty prepared to face an intense lecture on your first day, so you took out your books and blank sheets of papers, getting to work efficiently.

For what you felt like hours, you endured a long lecture from your teacher. Surrounding you were those inattentive students that were either pretending to focus, or were focused on not pretending at all. Within a few more minutes, the bell let out a rhythmic, sang-song ring, causing you to exhale a breath of relief and sit your pencil down. You were already so afraid of falling behind, and the workload here was beginning to make it worse.

'I seriously need to work harder.. i can't afford to be left behind. Dad would literally murder me.' You thought, shivering upon imagining the wrath of one of your father's never-ending scoldings, leading to your destressed sigh.

In the midst of thinking about your deep troubles, a tousling sound came from beside you. When you glanced over at your right it was Shiro who watched you before narrowing his eyes onto something. Following where his red irises landed, you saw that there was something in his grip; a bland student's notebook signatured in his brother's name. "Do you want to use this? It's Sei's notes from-"

Shiro quickly silenced himself upon the loud burst of energy from the surrounding students who approached him within a heartbeat. Genuine interest arose from their faces while questions flew at him from every possible angle--and you could see by his perplexed expression that he was genuinely not expecting this. He retracted the notebook and sat it down due to the overwhelming series of inquiries, making you snicker.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now